How to solve just about any problem (unless you are a complete moron).

                              PROBLEM SOLVING
              YES   =============================   NO
       +-----------|| Does the Darn Thing work? ||-----------+
       |            =============================            |
       V                                                     V
  +----------+     +---------+                          +---------+
  |   Don't  |  NO |   Does  |       +-------+     YES  | Did you |
  |   mess   | +---|  anyone |<------|  YOU  |<---------|   mess  |
  | with it! | |   |  know?  |       | MORON |          | with it |
  +----------+ |   +---------+       +-------+          +---------+
       |       V        | YES                                |  NO
       |    +------+    +-----------+                        |
       |    | HIDE |                V                        V
       |    |  IT  |            +--------+             +-----------+
       |    +------+            |  YOU   |        YES  | WILL THEY |
       |       |       +------->|  POOR  |<------------| CATCH YOU?|
       |       |       |        |  BUM!  |             +-----------+
       |       |       |        |________|                   |  NO
       |       |       |             |                       |
       |       |       |             V                       V
       |       |       |      +---------------+        +-----------+
       |       |       |  NO  | CAN YOU BLAME |        |DESTROY THE|
       |       |       +------| SOMEONE ELSE? |        |  EVIDENCE |
       |       |              +---------------+        +-----------+
       |       |                     |  YES                  |
       |       |                     v                       |
       |       |      ============================           |
       |       +---->||           N O            ||<---------+
       +------------>||      P R O B L E M ! !   ||

Had enough? Just head on back, if ya want. (Are we having fun, yet, or what?)