IG-64's Domain (low)
Link Database
CCG Files
Bulletin Board
Picture Database
Monthly Poll
Star Wars Scripts
Star Wars Sounds
Star Wars Sounds
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IG-64's Domain

Welcome to my domain. Scroll down for new items. Much more to come...

newNew Featuresnew

Coming soon - Updated links and tons of other stuff...

4.23.98 - You're probably wondering what's with the lack of updates lately. Well, I ain't been able to get on much lately, but expect more frequent updates within the next few weeks.

3.17.98 - Added the Miscellaneous Links Page.

3.10.98 - Added some new pics from TIE Fighter to the Picture Database.

3.9.98 - Added a Hotbot engine to my Search page.

3.6.98 - Added a link to the BBS (only the link is new). I also made links to the high and low bandwidth versions of my page from their respective counterparts should you get tired of frames or vice versa while viewing my page.

3.2.98 - Updated the Star Wars Scripts Page.

2.28.98 - Updated the low bandwidth version of the site.

2.26.98 - Added a picture database, only X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter pics so far, more to come.

2.19.98 - I've finished the preliminary revamp, this is the new layout of the page, send me feedback: ig-64@juno.com

Parts of my Database

Low Bandwidth - Takes you to the low bandwidth version of my page.

Link Database (coming soon) - Phat links to cool sites.

CCG Files - All CCG related stuff including have/want lists.

PADITAR - The homepage of the former Decipher splinter group, maintained by me, which, for a short time during the summer of '97 was a thorn in Decipher's side.

Bulletin Board - A general discussion bulletin board. You can do pretty much anything there as long as you follow the rules.

Picture Database - A collection of cool pictures.

Monthly Poll - A poll with Star Wars related questions for you to vote on, changed semi-monthly.

Star Wars Scripts - The complete, original scripts from the Star Wars movies, all in .txt format.

Star Wars Sounds (coming soon) - A collection of Star Wars related sounds.

Webrings - Webrings I belong to.

Search Engine - Search the web using Lycos and Infoseek.

Sign Guestbook - Self explainatory.

View Guestbook - Ditto, heh.

Roxy Spaulding, AKA Freefall of Gen13 fame

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Internet Explorer

| Homepage | CCG Section | Bulletin Board | PADITAR | Picture Database | Monthly Poll | Star Wars Scripts | Star Wars Sounds | Webrings | Search Engines | Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook |
