The Intro

Welcome to the

Serendipity Station is Command Extension 2 of the The Drakmärian Alliance International, a Star Trek-based, science fiction/fantasy fan club.

     This site will be periodically updated. Keep visiting for all the latest activities in which SERENDIPITY STATION will be participating!! If you have any questions or comments please e-mail me

Latest News as of 3/17/2000!!!

Submitted by DAI graphic artist Jonathan K. Roehrl.

This site has once again become the exclusive home on the `Net to Serendipity Station as all personal information pertaining to the site's creator (i.e. the acting resume, video collection, Toto Tribute and all Dave Dietz pages) has moved to a new URL. To go over to the personal page, pleaseclick on the link below!

As was reported here, Episode 1 of the 1963 Doctor Who, "The Crusade" was recently recovered in the land down under. For more details, click over to the Latest Happenings section. The two surviving episodes of this four-part adventure have been released on video in the United States as a "Collector's Edition" (popular packaging today among video collectors!) Included in this set are the two episodes from "The Crusade", plus the 4-part adventure "The Space Museum", and a CD containing the full audio track from the missing "Crusade" episodes 2 & 4.

WQED Channel 13/WQEX Channel 16 is continuing to show Doctor Who Saturday nights at 11:30pm. Keep supporting the show so that it stays on the air in Pittsburgh for many years to come! Most recently, the four-part beginning to the massive 1986 Colin Baker adventure "Trial of a Timelord" was broadcast! QED/QEX is also airing Red Dwarf at 11:00pm Saturday nights!!! Most recently, they have gone back to showing series VII.

What You'll Find Here...
Information about the Drakmärian Alliance and Serendipity Station
The David W. Dietz, III Home Page.
Latest Happenings within Serendipity Station's sphere of influence!!
For info on the fan-produced series The Enterprise-B Chronicles
To read the first (fictional) adventure of Serendipity Station and her crew!
The Complete ULTRAMAN:THE ULTIMATE HERO episode guide!

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DAI Network


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