Home of the EvilDans

Welcome to the terrifying world of the Evildans. It's a world where evil dwells. Where no one is safe. Not even in their own homes. You mustn't doubt me. The governments know of this and continues to deny it. They continue making pretty slogans and speeches. They know the end is coming.

Who are these Evildans, you may ask. They are fear itself. They are giant evil boys who look identical. They always seem to have a grin upon their face, but don't let that fool you. Don't be deceived. They are evil giants set out to destroy our very existence. They were part of a government science project gone awry.

What kind of experiment? People, who claim to be scientists, were messing around with human DNA in order to make us more intelligent, stronger, and taller. No one can say for sure what went wrong. The plant in Virginia, where they were secretly executing their secret plans, exploded on New Years Eve of 1993. As a result, dangerous chemicals and liquids were mixed together. Some of this mixed with some human cells. This cells began to divide and take on a new form of life. As a result, an Evildan, as we know of them today, was born.

They emerge not from the sky but from our lakes, our oceans, our rivers. Rumors say they are nesting in the Bermuda Triangle. I will not doubt this. None of us would dare find out. Unless you think you are brave or tough. But I warn you, don't be foolish. The government have sent in troops to confirm this in secret missions but none of those troops ever made it back home. They are missing in action. Their families will never find out the truth. But if you don't believe, go ahead and go, but don't say I didn't warn you.

Bermuda Triangle map:

Evildans take their fun out of destroying your cities. So prepare yourself. Your city may be next. If I were you, I'd leave at once. Hide with the livestock. Hide in the woods but don't stay in the city. It isn't safe. Don't rely on the government. They will continue to deny everything for they were the ones who created them!!!

More to come later.

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Disclaimer: None of this is true. It is a fragment of my imagination. Don't be so gullable.

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