
Essence magic predominates in this zone. Not surprisingly, the greatest magicians tend to be useful gem shapers as well. Essence magic is harnessed in crystals and released through sonics, so a magician must also be able to generate appropriate sounds to produce magic. Different schools of magic exist based upon closely guarded skills in the forming and cutting of crystals, and in the production of sonics. Some use artificial means, whilst others use the power of their own voice.

Legend has it that a great magician of the past, one Fnabiz, could activate the power in crystals simply by thought. Whilst most magic schools consider this preposterous, some are conducting research in the area. A proposed `new' school of magic is gaining influence by using light waves to activate magic crystals. Some magic schools fear that this will allow Golcondan's without the necessary skills and training to produce magic. Others argue that it will blur the distinction between technology and science and lead to a guild war. At present, the strongest support for the `new' school comes from the military guild.

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