In the dust of a thousand dreams. . .
GreyAngel's Happy Medium On The Edge Of Chaos. . .

Greetings! You have found a place that is between here and there, and is actually nowhere. . . Feel free to browse about. . .
Please remember. . .

Bring harm to no one. . .

Least ye be harmed in turn. . . .

Here all items are free of monetary cost,
However. . .
There are other costs that can be involved. . .

Click here for a list of concepts . . .

Click here for theprice of these thoughts. . .

Click here for links of various types that I find interesting. . .

Click here for the FAQ about me page. . .

As the counter seems to have died, I am not sure which number you are for visitor :) This site has been up since 6 March 1997, when I put the counter in before I had finished any of the pages *L*

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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The gifs and jpgs on these pages are not of my creation. If you are the creator of any of these pictures and want recognition for your work, please eMail me to let me know =) And the background as well as the cool jpg at the top, I found at The Park ;) The cool Reaper guy was found at The Globe! 8) Both of these areas offer chat and e-cards =)

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