J.L. Sager - 04/05/00 16:37:29
My URL:http://masterstoryteller.homestead.com
My Email:j_c_emp@yahoo.com
how did y/You hear about this site?: surfing the sites
Great site and great story. I will be visiting again. I also invite you to view my site. Let me know what you think.
kajira leyla - 02/21/00 19:16:35
My Email:Leyla69@hotmail.com
how did y/You hear about this site?: Gorean BDSM Links
this girl loved your page sister, and welcomes you to a new life with your Beloved Master.
Be well and Tal !!
kajira leyla/property of Master Celt
angel's urt - 09/05/99 14:48:27
My URL:http:// Aol.com
My Email:angelsurt@aol.com
how did y/You hear about this site?: by accident
comments: bravo
this boy is named urt by my Mistress.This is turley a work of art and urt was glad to be honored to read it ,dear sister
Martiagn - 03/16/99 11:49:59
comments: I wish you well
L.Byron - 02/12/99 15:59:52
how did y/You hear about this site?: know you
nice page girl *S*
Jama - 11/26/98 04:22:30
My Email:heysue29@hotmail.com
how did y/You hear about this site?: from a friend
comments: WOW!
This is a wonderfully erotic and intreguing page....can't wait to actually get into the chat rooms and see more...........
Traveler Odin - 11/07/98 04:37:43
My Email:odin35@hotmail.com
~laughing heartily after reading of poalu's ko-laring~ All eventually find themselves, some sooner, some later most easier. *LOL* Congratulations Inmak my friend!
E. Scott Hollingsworth - 10/25/98 14:52:18
My URL:http://www.wavecom.net
My Email:escott@wavecom.net
how did y/You hear about this site?: KinkyContacts
Someone once said that the best submissive women are those that dominate. They know what is expected of them.
10/14/98 18:21:28
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks