Welcome to KinSlayer's Realm of Chaos; the home of Drake's Pub.
I am KinSlayer, also known as Sir Drake or Draco. This is my Realm,
the realm of the new Renaissance. Within this realm exists a place
called Drake's Pub. It is in this place
that you, the weary cyber-traveller, can experience a bit of the
Renaissance Faire life.
One of my favorite hobbies is to attend various Renaissance Faires.
Now, in Drake's Pub, you can become a part
of the Renaissance Faire Experience. Here you will find Renaissance
Faire pictures, information, recipes, and links to many other related
I hope you enjoy your visit to Drake's Pub
here in the Realm of Chaos.
KinSlayer's Realm of Chaos/Drake's Pub is best viewed:
at a resolution of 800x600-32bit color
with the Dauphin font installed. (Don't have it? You can get it HERE)
with Netscape Navigator 3.0 or higher
Drake's Pub uses FRAMES.
If you prefer to view Drakes's Pub without frames,
click on the following link.
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