Name: Battlemaster.
Mass: 85 Tons.
Chassis: Hollis Mk. X.
Power Plant: 340 VOX.
	Cruising Speed: 43 kph.
	Maximum speed: 64 kph.
Armour: Star Guard IV.
	1 Donal PPC.
	4 Hellion-b XI Medium Lasers.
	2 Martell Medium Lasers.
	1 Ayukawa "Killer" Streak SRM-6 Rack.
Manufacturer: Hollis Industries.
Communications System: HartfordCo COM 4000.
Targetting/Tracking System: Eagle Eye Advanced III.

Type: BLR-1K Battlemaster.

Equipment:				Items:	Mass:
Internal Structure:	Standard	0	8.5
Engine:			340 Fusion	0	27
	Walk:		4
	Run:		6
Gyroscope		Normal		0	4
Heat Sinks:		14 (28)		15	5	(LT, RT, RA, LA, LA)
Cockpit	:		Normal		0	3
Armour:			232		0	14.5
	H.:	3	9
	CT.:	27	40 / 11
	L/RT.:	18	28 / 8
	L/RA.:	14	24
	L/RL.:	18	26
Weapons and ammo:		Loc.:	Items:	Mass:
PPC				RA	3	7
2 ER Medium Lasers		RT	2	2
2 ER Medium Lasers		LT	2	2
Medium Laser			RT(r)	1	1
Medium Laser			LT(r)	1	1
Streak SRM-6			RT(Tt)	2	4.5
Ammo (STK) 15			RT	1	1
Turret				RT	1	0.5
CASE II				RT	1	1
Targetting Computer		LT	4	4

An upgrade becomming more and more common across the Draconis Combine despite the chronic lack of parts like the Hellion-b extended range medium laser (only made in the Free-Worlds League). Despite all of this the power and effectiveness of the BLR-1K means that it has gained in popularity as a primary command 'mech.

The addition of a powerfull targetting computer means that the BLR-1K has awesome accuracy over range. The powerfull and dependable Donal PPC has been retained along with the rear-facing medium lasers. The forward mounted lasers have however been replaced with the Hellion-b model made in the Free Worlds League and the shoulder mounted SRM-6 has been replaced with a turret-mounted Ayukawa streak rack adding to rear-facing firepower as well as accuracy. Lastly several heat sinks have been dropped (along with the paired machine guns) to make space for these improvements, those that are left are newer double sinks to give enhanced heat dissipation.

© G. T. Perkins (As If really care?), November 1998, ver. 2.0
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