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Last Update 12-3-99: I'VE DECIDED BECAUSE OF MY LACK INTEREST FOR THIS SITE TO QUIT UPDATING PERMANATELY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. If you're still wondering about me, check me out at The Academy: A GenX Webzine, where I'm in charge of The Mailbox. So be sure to send email ASAP. I might later revamp this over but for now, NO MORE UPDATES. I'm not closing it down but I'll keep it up for you people to look at if you want......

Hello, the name's Gen-xmaster and welcome to my webpage devoted entirely to the popular comic book, Generation X. To give you, a quick overview Generation X is comic made by Marvel comics that features the adventures of a team of teenaged mutants of all walks of life. It follows their lives together at a special academy that trains them in use of their powers and the various obstacles faced. Also, stars the school's headmaster and headmistresses, who are themselves mutants.

You'll find tons of neat stuff here to do. Check out some bios, play some javascript games and lots more. Dunno where to start? Try searching for it. You are bound to find something....

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My site is divided into four distinct directories, where you'll find links to sections that relate distinctly to that directory . In english, for example, click on the interactive link and it'll take you to links that lead you to sections that are entirely interactive. Got it? Lookin' for graphics or information? Go to the information graphics directory.

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..yeah..I know I have two...can't have one too many...just sign one of 'em...thanx

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Disclaimer: You and me hate this but I gotta put this on my webpage. You wouldn't want little ol' me to get in trouble, eh? Generation X and all related characters belong to Marvel comics. I am not making any money from this..blah blah...blah blah blah...