Secrets Of The Hidden Universe 


The Roswell Incident 

 UFO Sightings 

 Mars & UFOs 


 El Chupacabra 

The X-Files



 The Alien Abduction 

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Welcome to "Secrets Of The Hidden Universe," a site dedicated to introducing the topic of UFO's and alien contact to those new to the subject. Here I will discuss events and ideas that helped to shape the study known as UFOlogy, and also provide the latest news and information on the subject. 

All of these news items are from various paranormal websites.  I have linked the headlines to the source of each story, and will continously update this section as news breaks: 

 Col. Philip J. Corso Dies  

Publisher Of Scientific UFO
Report Hits Back At
Derisive Skeptics

Nick Redfern's New Book
Probes FBI UFO File Revelations

Astronaut Frank Bormann Clarifies
Gemini 7 UFO Myth