Obsess much?
In the course of my travels I sometimes come across very strange people. Me being the hallmark for normality I can judge these people as strange, then exhibit their strangeness on the internet. This is the story of one such individual who didn't know when to stop taking pictures. This resulted in them taking a trip in my car. According to accounts they were 'pale with fear'. Let this be a warning to all! (you will be given a VIP tour of my trunk) :
The one on the left is the offending party
Yes, smile.. all happy like.. that's right.. smile.. nothings gonna happen… (happy group picture)
No Pictures Please! Take a picture of this ass instead
No pictures no proof!
I SAID NO PICTURES! (notice class of person sitting next to me)
See? Nobody wants their picture taken!
Except v-tek… he seems to be enjoying himself
So do these three
BUT not ME!
OK, I'm leaving!-with the polac!
That's IT!!!!
I deny everything…