The Letch of Salem AE

Please note that this is only a possible list of chapters for "The Letch of Salem AE". "Letch of Salem" fans may see a few familiar chapters from the origional story, but trust me I've changed things! Not every chapter here has been worked on, as stated before this is only a list of what might appear in the finished version. As I finish a chapter and feel satisfied with the way it turned out I may post it on the web. Again please note that I may or may not do this. I will post what I think should go up, but I will not ruin the ending of the story! I want to tease the audiance, not give away a possible surprise ending.

Table of Contents

Chapter I: Stranger in a distant land

Chapter II: The Putnams

Chapter III: When the shepherd is away, the sheep shall play

Chapter IV: The Letch

Chapter V: Wolves in the night

Chapter VI: Capture

Chapter VII: Innocence of youth

Chapter VIII: The trial

Chapter IX: Wrath of a child scorned

Chapter X: The not so fallen angel

Chapter XI: Enter the Horsemen

Chapter XII: Guardians of the Gates of Hell

Chapter XIII: Bostonians

Chapter XIV: Judgement's Eve

Chapter XV: Judgement Day

Chapter XVI: Revelation Cometh