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You are here at the edge of the unexplored regions of space. Join today with the brave captains as they face the unknown. Do you have what it takes, the determination the bravery? Can you face the unknown dangers and surprises? For in space, no one can hear you scream...

Welcome to Star Trek Sim Group. Let me tell you a little about our group;
We are a group of simmers who got tired of playing the political games that other sim groups play, so we formed our own.
So if you want to come on over, we will let you sim with us, no problem! 
We strive to be the friendliest and best sim group!
Thanks to BHunter for making this group possible!
We can be reached at

NOTE: Right now STSG is undergoing major construction and the only ship we have running is the USS Shadow. If you are interested in starting another one of the ships we have, please feel free to contact us. Thank you.

The USS Shadow E-mail sim

Under the Command of
Captain Maxwell

The USS Shadow's Mission and Crew Information

To join, fill out the sign up form with the name of the ship and your prefered position

Sign up Form


s t a r - t r e k | RPG w e b - r i n g
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P r e v i o u s | N e x t | N e x t-F i v e | R a n d o m
S k i p-O n e | B a c k-T w o | L i s t-S i t e s
sideline-right.jpg (943 bytes)
ST|RPG WebRing downline.jpg (868 bytes)

This Star Trek|RPG site is owned by Alysa.

Want to join in the adventure? Add your RPG to the ring now!

Pages updated by Angel

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