Earth Story

A Message to Humankind

Hello gentle people in this world. I address you all, whether you are sleeping warmly and dreaming of far away places, if you are looking in the mirror and reflecting on life or if you don't understand why you are where you are. I have a need to speak to you all and to our dear planet earth, to the many dimensions and worlds so close and so far away. I address you all with the heart. Dear people, please never be discouraged in your daily lives. Do not diminish the strength you have to help others and to help yourselves.

Do not be hard upon yourselves and think you are not important. All is important. All needs to be heard and to be understood. Please continue to foster compassion and comprehension. Do not belittle yourselves. By the very manner that you vibrate you are influencing all other vibrating matter. When you feel discouraged that "nothing is happening" to you, remain close to your true selves and realize that because everything is always in motion, everything is always "happening." Be gentle with yourselves.

Extend as much love to the stranger upon your street as to the most academic individual.

It is not a question of tolerance.

It is a question of love.

It is a question of expressing your self-importance
and at the same moment listening to the other.

We must change our ways of thinking and doing. The dear planet is in great change and wishes also to express itself. We must begin to live our lives deeply and truly at every moment.

(Channeled from Meli,

Press HERE to read the full message from Meli

Messages To Humanity Aliens And Ufos Globe Changes (Soon)


Latest Updates:

Name/Description Section Date
Two Worlds (Unkown writer) Poems 3/23/1997
The Planting of Mother Earth's Navel (Unkown writer) Poems 3/23/1997
A WHOLE NEW WORLD! (ALADIN). Just listen to the words of this one! Poems 4/1/1997
Here is something I wrote, it is a little poem, i named it: Heaven Is a Place On Earth! (Hope you like it!) Poems 4/15/1997
The Music section is finally working! Don't miss it ! Music 6/12/1997

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Under MAJOR Construction!. The page will be updated frequently now!

Last updated: 11/11/1998

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