
Hello and welcome to our newsflash. Here we will try to give readers information on the recent events happening in the wolrd of Star Wars, SW:CCG and Computers. Please send us any new information on any of these subjects or any comments you have about this section of the page. This News will be placed similar to Decipher's Newsflash, with new stories just being added at the top, pushing down the old stories. Next Update: Information on X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, Duke Nukem 3D, and the TOP STORY: WHY NOT TO WASTE YOUR MONEY ON A 16x CD-ROM DRIVE.

Quote of the day

"I'm better than a Star Destroyer." Stevebacca while, possibly drunk, playing TIE Fighter and flying an Assault Misslt Boat.

SW:CCG Anthology has been released

As you probably already know, the long awaited SW:CCG Anthology has finally been released. The Anthology has a suggested retail price of $29.95 and is worth every cent. It includes 2 Unlimited Starter Decks, 2 A New Hope 15 Card Limited Booster Packs and 2 Hoth 15 Card Limited Booster Packs. On top of this, it includes the six Special Edition preview cards, among them Boba Fett (Shown Above) and Commander Wedge Antilles (Shown Below). All 6 cards are good additions to any deck. The Anthology comes with a complete set of rules, fully revised to include the A New Hope, Hoth and Dagobah Expansion sets. The Anthology is a must buy for any collector, new or old. It should be available at stores near you.


BIG NEWS: Tentative release date for Episode 1 is March 27th, 1998

Also, Lucas and Lucasfilm have unofficially started a misinformation campaign so we don't figure out too much that is going to be in the movies. So all info unless confirmed by Luasfilm may or may not be true but I'll still be posting it all except Obi-Wan being a clone, he is not.

After seeing the SpecialEdition of Star Wars, Empire, and Jedi I was truly impressed and amazed. George Lucas, in my opinion has made the entire trilogy better. But even when all the Special Edition hype is over the Star Wars hype will not end as we all start gearing up for NEW Star Wars with the coming prequels. And as this shift from Special Editions to prequels comes so shall the focus of this page change. This page will no longer focus on the Special Editions but instead the prequels bringing every little bit of information to you. So check this page often and start preparing for the prequels in 1998, 1999, and 2000.

Click on these links for big information on the Prequels
Episode I
Episode II
Episode III

Episode 1 is slated to start with the opening fanfare over the 20th Century Fox logo. Then move to the Lucasfilm Limited logo to "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..." The Star Wars logo will then hit the screen followed by Episode 1 and it's scrolling text. The camera will then pan down to Coruscunt and this painting where passengers will be boarding. The ship will take off and then something really, really BIG is supposed to happen. Because of the Coruscunt setting, I hope you really watched Coruscunt in the Return of the Jedi Special Editon for a prequel peek.

So far Lucas has scouted out several sites and has set up his main camp or flim work in Leavesdon Studios in London. He has begun principle photography, production sketches/art at Elstree Studios in London, and has narrowed done the casting to A and B lists. Main production and filming will begin September 8th of this year. He hopes to begin all out production by summer, or asap since the SE's have been wrapped up. It has been said by Lucasfilm that the end of Jedi:SE will be a small preview of what to look for in the prequels.

Plot: The main plot is going to revolve around the life of Anakin Skywalker, his relationship with his wife, and his fall from grace. Lucas himself has said that these three chapters are going to have a much darker feel than chapters four through six. Other plots are going to include the Clone Wars in the second chapter and the rise of the Emperor, Empire/fall of the Republic. This also means the extermination of the Jedi Knights. Returning characters that will be in the prequels will be Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker, a younger Obi-Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, C-3PO, Yoda, the Emperor, and Boba Fett. The first prequel is set to hit theatres in 1998, with the second and third chapters probably coming in 1999, and 2000.

Boba Fett: The Best Bounty Hunter?

I must say that when I first read the Boba Fett card in the SW:CCG Anthology, I was extremely dissapointed. The Star Wars universe is constantly telling us that Boba Fett is the best Bounty hunter in the galaxy, then why isn't he in the card game? This is my opinion of course, and I'll show you why. Start with IG-88. Power 4, Boba Fett 3. There's 1 for IG-88. Add 2 to power of any Starship he pilots. Boba Fett: Add 2 to power and 1 to maneuver. 1 for Boba Fett, but with 6 unique ISD's and the Executor availablt, who still puts Starfighters in their decks? Armor 5, Baba Fett: 5. Tie. Boba Fett has landspeed of 3, but who cares? Game text: Any characters hit by IG-88 are immediately assasinated (Lost). Boba Fett: Characters hit by him are Forfeit =0. I for one would rather have an oppenent's character lost then forfeit equals zero. Boba Fett has an Ability of 2, but i still feel IG-88 is better. Next, let's compare with Bossk. Bossk has a higher power, same ability, and his game text is adds 1 to attrition against opponent. Now with all of Boba's features he may be better, but at least not by much. Finally, Dengar. They're both pilots, but Dengar has possibly the best game text going: Power +1 for each opponent's characters present. So with five characters, he is a power 7, easily better then Boba Fett. For these reasons, it is my opinion that Decipher made an enormous mistake; I feel that at least one of these charcaters is better then Boba Fett, if not all three, whcih contradicts all information on the Star Wars universe that Boba Fett is the best Bounty Hunter.