Welcome to the Cluster of Pages

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You have reached the Secondary Homepage of The Cluster of Pages

Well you managed to find my page on the net!

This Web Site has undergone a complete overhual. 'James' Page' has transformed into 'The Cluster of Pages'. The Main Page has been totally redone. Aswell, all other pages! Mostly. To get a full description of this update, check the about page. Now I assure you, everything works and you may want to check out the new Astronomy Project! So, begin your surfing!

The 'official' home page for the 'Cluster of Pages' is on a different page/server so you can either go to it and be amazed at my awesome redone homepage or just take off from here via the link bars.

Dates - James' Page was in operation from March 5, 1995 to November 27, 1997. The Cluster of Pages has been in effect since January 12, 1998. The Last update to the Secondary Page was July 10, 1998.
Copyright - The Cluster of Pages is protected, © 1998. The Cluster of Pages was created and is maintained by James Lewis. E-mail below, comments, suggestions, etc. welcome.
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