___We've MOVED! Thats right folks! Our new page can be accessed through http://FictExchange.home.ml.org. It features faster load times, more space, a new sleeker look, no ADs!!!!!!!, and best of all... MORE STORIES. Thats right, we'll be working fast and furious to put up all those stories that've been lying around. It'll be the perfect time for you readers to read, and you writers to submit! We'll be keeping everything else up here, in case you have bookmarks or something, but there will BE NO MORE UPDATES to this version of the page. Thanks, and come help us unpack!
___Warning: Some stories located on these pages contain profanity and/or gore. Discretion is advised.

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All stories posted on these sites are (c)1997-1998 by Sam Firke and Donald Stewart, unless otherwise noted.
SO YOU BETTER NOT STEAL ANY! And remember- we're watching you! 

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