Alberto Monteiro's Home Page

This page was created on 1997-03-14

The Science Fiction Timeline

My "modest" proposal is to create a "Historical" Timeline with hyperlinks to Science Fiction and Fantasy variants. I have started it . There are also Tolkien Timelines: a main Timeline , from The Silmarillion to The Return of the King, plus one variant for each of the History of Middle-earth scenarios. It has links to some timelines I have built (Heinlein (several timelines), Lovecraft , Douglas Adam's Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy , Asimov's Robot-Empire-Foundation Universe , and David Brin's Uplift Universe) and some other sf and fantasy timelines that I found in the Web.

Related to Science Fiction, I plan to include some data on Science Fictional Languages, for example, the Galactic Languages in David Brin's Uplift Universe.

Go To a Year in a Timeline

Timeline Year

My ideas about Tolkien's Middle-earth

I am putting here some original ideas I had when reading The Lord of the Rings and His other books and drafts. There are also some topics discussed in the Tolkien Mailing List

I update it constantly. Click here to see last version


Click here to view a 68k jpg picture of me and my family, plus links to my daughters pictures. There are also some family pictures.


Some of my chess games and my experiments in fairy chess

Web Presence

These are pages that had my contribution

Hard Science Fiction Tools

Some JavaScript programs to compute useful data for worldbuilding or space travel

My Daughters' Drawings

Drawings of my daughters' favourite cartoon heroes . Portuguese version available

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