Wishing upon a star, Wishing however far, Wishing against hope, Wishing, that my wish comes true! I wish in the end that my life were on the mend. A wish that may never be. {What happened?} Ranma groaned and stood up. She immediately saw Ukyou lying on the floor and went to her. -Are you alright Uchan? She touched Ukyou's forehead lightly. She continued to observe her surroundings, finding nothing wrong with them. In fact, that was the weird part. Although Uchan was breathing, she seemed very hurt and she herself felt like she had just crashed after being hit a mile straight up into the air by Akane. All the walls were intact, except for the fist formed hole. The same held true for the floor and the ceiling, unless you counted normal wear and tear, like running. {I don't feel like I've fought, so that can't be it.} She saw four buckets and noted that none of them contained any water. {Was I late for class? No,} she concluded, {everything around here is dry so the buckets weren't emptied, and you get water in your buckets if you're late. Maybe Hinako drained us and someone else left the buckets.} Yep, that was it. She groaned again, a headache was incoming. {Too much thinking for one day} she thought before trying to wake Ukyou. -- Akane was groggy. A few minutes ago, she had seen Gos turn a strange shade of green and she had called his name. A little while after that she saw a white aura form around him and then explode outwards. Now she couldn't hear her teacher anymore. She turned her head slowly, so as not to feel more ill, towards Gosunkugi. He was sleeping on his desk. She nudged him and called out his name. He didn't wake up. {Who cares anyway, it's not as if anyone else is feeling perky enough to argue right now anyway} She thought while she laid her head on the table, covering it with her arms. -- In a cellar, somewhere, a certain person wearing green clothes was starting to wake up. -- Out in the open a wolf was jumping on the rooftops, carrying a large backpack on its shoulder and a parrot flying close behind shouting insults at passersby down below. -Why can't we just run down there on the road like the rest o.... *Croak* Watch out for that chimney, you lowbrowed cretin! It made a high pass above the chimney but in so doing dove right into the smoke. -SWINE, MONGRELS AND DOGPOO THAT'S WHAT YOU ALL ARE! YOU HEAR ME, YOU, YOU, YOU CATS!! Now where was I? He flew up to the red and brown wolf he was following and tried to sit on its backpack. He actually managed to succeed but was quickly thrown of his temporary resting place when the wolf made a sudden turn. -CAN'T YOU EVER STAY PUT? He flew up in front of the wolf and tried talking to it, face to face. -You know, we can't keep looking for them forever. His face got something of a prophetic look (largely hampered by the fact that beaks don't bend that well) and he said, -We must face reality, there is nothing that can be gained by simple vengeance. Now.... *Croak* The wolf stopped, ripping up a large number of tiles from the roof they currently were on. It glared at the parrot who had hit a chimney and lay panting heavily on the roof, mere inches from the wolf's teeth. Not noticing this small but VERY important fact, the parrot began to speak. -*croak* We can- *Croak* cannot let them *Croak* get off that easily! Something as simple as the beating YOU intend to give them is nothing. Nor is that water you carry around. No, WE can do A LOT more. At the end of this the parrot got a dangerous gleam to its eyes and began to laugh in a shrill voice. -Croahahaha, Croahahaha... When the wolf was satisfied that the parrot was finished, it silently picked the parrot up with its jaw and hoisted it up on his back and began to set his legs into jumping position. Suddenly it saw the roof going passed them upwards and expeienced a strange falling sensation. Then the world went black. -- -Can anyone turn on the lights? He looked around. There was no one here that he could see. Not unless they were hiding in the shadows. He began squirming about, trying to undo the knots that tied his hand and feet together. After a while he stopped. He thought he saw a person outlined in the darkness. -Why son, have you gone and done something stupid again? It said mockingly. He was shocked. Why was father here? How had he found him? -Help. He croaked. -Have you ever tried to use any abilities besides your brawn for just once! The voice was clearly angry. He rolled around on the floor, trying to get away from the outlined figure. This reminded him too much of his lessons. A ring of fire erupted around him and the silhouette, ending all thoughts of escape. He turned towards his father, still black despite the light coming from all directions. -WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? A white line bent into a grin appeared on the coalblack head. -Why, only to show you your full potential. It said sarcastically. Hehehe, you DO want to be powerful. -You are not my father! He crawled away, coming dangerously close to the fire. -True, but who would ever want to see THAT loser? I am much better than HE could ever be. Besides, you were the one that ran away after all! -NO, YOU LEFT ME! He shook himself violently, trying to get free of his ropes, only succeeding in rolling himself into the fire, which quickly died down. -A Hibiki is a Hibiki is a Hibiki, I suppose. The black thing said and walked away. -No dad, don't go! He quietly whispered. I promise that I won't leave this time! He wormed his way closer to where the voice had gone but stopped dead in his tracks as he hit a wall. {He went through this?} Desperately trying to find a way out he searched as much of the wall as he could but felt nothing. Then he laid himself to rest and began to brood on what he would do to his captors when they would come for him. -- <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> ( The sun was shining, the food was sizzling and a small boy ) was running with okonomiyaki in his hands. ( He ran up to his father, a huge panda sitting on a rock. ) The little boy handed his okonomiyaki to the panda and the ( panda ate half of it. He then bent down to whisper something ) in the boy's ear. ( Dark clouds rolled in. ) The scene changed. ( The boy was now sitting on a yatai beside his father, waving ) to another boy who was running along after them. ( When the boy stopped trying to reach the yatai, he fell down ) on the ground crying. ( ) -NOOOO! A voice screamed. ( ) The scene changed again. ( This time the first boy was stopped by a giant spatula ) suddenly sticking to the ground in front of him. ( He stopped. ) ( -So which DO you like better, Ukyou or okonymiaki? said a ) voice from behind it. ( The small boy held the okonymiaki protectively against his ) chest and walked around the spatula. ( Sitting there was a woman in black tights and an okonymiaki ) seller's outfit. ( ) -Take your time, this may affect your whole life. ( ) The boy took a nibble of his okonymiaki and asked. ( -Can I still keep the okonymiaki? ) ( The woman, who had had her eyes closed, opened them and ) glanced at him shortly. ( ) -Don't worry I won't steal it, whatever your answer is. ( she said calmly ) ( -Then I want Uchan! He said proudly and bit a large chunk ) of the okonymiaki. ( ) The woman ruffled his hair and looked him in the eyes ( caringly. ) -Remember that, She then pointed towards the panda and ( continued, now go to your father. ) ( The little boy smiled happily and ran. ) When he got to his father he gave his okonymiaki to him. ( The panda ate half of it and bent over to ask. ) ( -Which do you like most Ukyou or okonymiaki? ) ( -Uchan, he answered. ) ( The scene changed yet again to reveal the panda helping the ) boy onto the yatai and then both rolling of. ( ) The dark clouds rolled in again and the other boy began ( running after the first screaming. ) ( -Don't leave me! ) ( As he said that though, the yatai rolled faster. ) When the boy began slowing down, he was scooped up by a ( teenage girl, carrying a giant spatula on her back. ) She began running after them. ( But whenever she got close the yatai speeded up. ) Suddenly she stopped. ( ) -Brace yourself, this will probably hurt. ( ) She threw the boy into the air and took out her spatula, ( hitting the boy when he came back as if he was a ) baseball and the spatula was a bat. ( ) The boy let out a cry of pain but flew straight towards the ( yatai. ) Luckily he even managed to land in it. ( ) -Well, that's finally right. ( The girl said taking out a mirror. ) Her eyes watered and she let out a tear. ( Letting it fall on the mirror, she said. ) ( -MY place, MY time. <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> -- Cologne was hard at work; she had been mixing potion, after potion, after herbal patch. She was almost set. She just needed a few other things. One of them was Ranma. -- Ukyuo lay on the floor, hardly breathing. She tried moving her head. It hurt. -Are you awake? There was desperation in the voice. {What happened? Let's see.} She tried to remember why she was lying on the floor. {Did Ranchan hit me?} She could not believe it. He had gone THAT far! -Uchan don't go, I don't know what I'd do without you! {He neeeds me!} Ukyou bolted up quickly. -RANCHAN! She screamed longingly and hugged Ranma. He began to stutter but soon found himself. -Yeah! Who else is gonna cook okonomiyaki for me? A strangled chuckle escaped Ranma's lips. -Why of course I'll cook for us when we're married. I'll cook THOUSANDS of okonomiyaki just for us. Ukyou was so happy she could laugh. -MARRIED! Ranma jumped out of her titanium grip and stretched out against the wall. She looked visibly scared. -I -I -I would ne -ever marry someone as -as -as... Ranma's face contorted into a grimace of concentration. She finally spit out. -...uncute as you! Ukyou sat there, totally stunned. {This isn't right, he was supposed to know me, like me better and everything. Something's wrong, I must have used the wrong thing, slipped sideways or something. I HAVE TRADED PLACES WITH AKANE.} At first nothing seemed to happen, then slowly something began to fall. There was a noise. It went *plip* *plop* It came faster and in more quantity, *plip, plop, * *plip, plop* until it was like a flood. *plip, plop, plip, plop, plip, plop, plip, plop, plip, plop* A flood of raindrops raining outside. And inside, in the corridor, someone was crying. The noise only stopped for a while, long enough to prepare for the noise of someone running. A while after that you could hear someone else running in the same direction. ----------------------------------------------------------------- --- Can you see the red thread, the yellow or the blue? Can you see the green one inbetween the two? Take a look at all of it. Can you see it too? It all forms a tapestry. A tapestry for you (Dewin Duvae) --- Freemage's Notes: I say, this would be a good point for some C&C, yes? Click according to the thread you wish to follow: |