Freehaven is possibly the most cosmopolitan city on Chiar. There are four major races, roughly even in distribution (Elves, Humans, Goblins and Dwarves), while fully a fifth of the city falls into the "other" category, with Orcs, Drow, Gnomes, Kobolds and Locathah all having large enough populations to be represented on the Council. Since voting power is determined by race, race is the basis for almost all political organizations. In order for a movement to gain popular support, competent public speakers must be rallied to the cause from each of the major races of the city. While there is little by way of overt discrimination, old grudges and older habits die hard. Dwarves and Goblins, most of whom can name some ancestor who died horribly at the hands of the other's ancestors, are most prone to allow racial disputes to arise in the middle of other conversations. Likewise, while there is no decree mandating particular employments, most races are known in the city for a handful of trades. The so-called "Council Races" are detailed below: Humans Locathah Dwarves Drow Goblins Gnomes Elves Orcs Kobolds Other Races Humans are easily the most diverse segment of the population. As the largest-represented "young race" in the city, humanity has filled niches in almost every layer and segment in Freehold society. While they were originally the lowest of laborers, it is acknowledged that it was from their ranks that the city's liberation rose. Dwarves form the larger part of the city's metalsmiths and masons. Furthermore, they maintain their historical role as watchmen in many of the city's more traditional districts. In particular, dwarves hold high ranks in the Market, North and Temple Districts. Goblins, well known for their low cunning and high deviousness, are prone to seek employment with diplomatic offices. Likewise, they are frequently employed as guardsmen in the Red-Light, Freeman's and Harbor Districts, where many of the residents prefer a watch that can be paid to go watch someone else. Many Goblins make a living as traders, peddlers and low-level merchants. The prominence of Vegfiro in the city's makeup, however, means that there are also a suprisingly large number of goblins working in the city's charities. Elves, despite the siezure of much of their property following Stared's Revolt, still hold positions of import and influence in town. Many are content to simply enjoy the benefits of inherited wealth. Others are powerful merchants or diplomats. One great scandal amongst Freehold's elves is the large number of their own population which has turned to the world's oldest profession. Elven courtesans are in high demand among the city's human and orcish elite, both because of their great beauty and the sterility of such interaction. Kobolds are probably best known for surliness, lack of creativity and general bad attitude. It should come as little surprise that they make up the bulk of Freehold's tax collectors, civil servants and mid-level bureaucrats. A fair number also work as assistants at the larger merchant houses, where their stodgy, by-the-book approach is actually an asset. Locathah, not surprisingly, all are residents of the Harbour District. Most are employed by the various merchant ships as scouts and dock-hands. Others are paid full-time as guards for the harbor by the city. (While they vote as Dockers, they are under the direct authority of the Council, and not part of the district watch.) Drow are also commonly employed as diplomats. Their natural affinity with magic also makes them more prone to be hired in that regard. Many drow also function as courtesans, especially for nobles with more questionable tastes. Gnomes, as might be expected, are tough to pin down. Many work as jewelers, clockmakers and general tinkerers. Others are found as entertainers and mapmakers. There are even a few sages (always surrounded by clutter) in their ranks. Orcs are few and far between. Those who have settled in freehold are often employed as "muscle"--bouncers, bodyguards and brute force labor. Many work as dockhands or construction workers. While other races may pass through Freehold, none have, as yet, made any sizable permanent community. This may change, however, as both aaracockra and (degenerate) from the Zantics have noted the city's prosperity and influence. In the meantime, a citizen whose own race is unrepresented on the council may cast a single vote in any one other race's elections.