Misha the Mad Russian
My Other Pages:
My Brewing and SCA Blog
Welcome to my page.   It's still under construction, but I should be filling it up quickly.
My Info:
Name: Mikhail Chaika Pavlov-syn  Novgorodets
My SCA arms (registered as of January 2006):  Azure, in fess a stag and a stallion both rampant contourny and on a chief Or a barley-stalk fesswise reversed Sable.
Email: chaika@nospam.verizon.net
(Remove the "nospam" from the address)
What I'm Up To:
I should note that while I am active in the Society for Creative Anachronism's Kingdom of Atlantia and Barony of Lochmere, this is not an official or sanctioned site of any of the above.
Russian Studies (Link down, as I work on stuff)