Sorry for the inconvience.

The Quintessential Questionnaire

of the Tennessean Metroplex

Note to all viewers about the form below: Should I decide to post submission in the future, know that ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBERS WILL NOT BE POSTED OUT OF RESPECT AND COMMON DECENCY! This is a questionnaire to discover what your opinions are on the subjects covered in the Tennessean METROPLEX. No additional information is required. I do demand to see an email address in order to reply to submittes if I have time. If you do not have one, just enter NONE.

Address (Optional):
City: State: ZIP Code: (or other postal code):
Phone (Optional):

What is your opinion on the new Sound Upgrades?

What is your opinion on the Transformers? (Note that the Beast Warriors/Beast Machines ARE Transformers.)

What is your opinion on Transformers Fan-fiction?

What faction (political or military) do you prefer?

If you are an American citizen, what political party do you prefer?

Have you read one of TRANSFORMERS Alternative stories?
Yes No
If yes, did you like it (them)?

If no, why not?

What fan-fiction Transformers did you like from reading TF: Alternative?

What Transformers did you like that were not in either the US cartoons and comics?

Give me your opinion on the following topics regarding future TRANSFORMERS Alternative stories.
Female Cybertronians: They should exist. They shouldn't exist.
Mutant Cybertronians (Size-consistent humanoids):
They should exist. They shouldn't exist. They should exist, but they shouldn't be giant humanoids.
New Gestalt Teams: They could be made. They shouldn't be made.
Stories involving Headmasters, Pretenders, and the like before receiving their new abilities:
It's OK to write them that way. They shouldn't written without their new powers/partners.
Stories concerning political situations on Cybertron: They should be written. They shouldn't be written.
Stories concerning personal relationships between characters:
They should be written. They shouldn't be written. They should be written, but keep them tasteful.
Should there be a Sailor Cybertron (for Sailor Moon fan-fiction)? Yes No

Thank you for answering my questions. Go Back. Go to Bengalium.
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Enjoy your stay in the Tennessean Metroplex.