Deep Throat
- First appeared in the second episode of the first season. He says that
he has followed Mulder's career for a long time. He claims to have authority
in high places.
- He says that he had once worked in Vietnam for the CIA, and that he
was "one of the three men in the world who have not only seen but
killed an alien."
- Mulder had complete trust in him right from the start, but Scully only
showed to trust him after she worked with him to save Mulder's life. He
always managed to get highly classified information quickly. Mulder lost
his trust in Deep Throat when he faked UFO photographs to lure Mulder away
from an investigation.
- Deep Throat was killed in "The Erlenmeyer Flask" as a result
of blowing his cover. His dying words were "Trust no one!"
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