Hello Dutch Saabers

My name is Wiena Veenstra- Hoving, I'm the Dutch liasson officer off the 57th Crusaders squadron.
On this page you will find information about the 57th squad and information about SAAB fandom in general.

The series: Space above and beyond was cancelled a long time ago, but we are still arround. Want to join us?

How to join the Crusaders?
Just click the link

The 57th Crusaders is a mailings list for European Saabers but everybody is welcome.

On this page you will find several links for different Saab pages and the url for the IRC chat program, so that you can join us in an online chat about our favorite subject:-)However I want to start to inform you about the several available SAAB mailings lists.You can join several lists on Yahoo Geocities, its absolutly free so don't be shy:-)

Please search for the 57th Crusaders list, this is my squadrons mailing list, here you can talk to your fellow Crusaders and have fun discussions:-)
Just go to the Yahoo pages, sighn in and join our group, your most welcome:-)


I would like to provide you with several fanfic pages, here you will find stories all written by fellow SAAB fans, have fun.


Una's Fan-Flight deck

Alys' Space: Above and Beyond Fan-Fiction

Riddlers smut Fan-Fiction

IRC chat programm

Last but not least I would like to mention the possibility to have online chats with fellow SAABERS. There are several chat programs, I will just give you the url for the IRC Chatprogram,
here you can download the IRC program and join us and discuss SAAB with us.

Mirc chatprogram

After downloading you can find us on a Espernet server.
You will have to add the SAAB channels for instance: The Crusaders(Espernet) or Tuntavern(Undernet)

Or maybe you would like to try to chat at yahoo on the 57th Crusaders mailingslist, I hope to see you soon.

If you have any questions, please mail me.

If you want to know something more about me, my stories or my favourite SAAB character just klick the link.About me and..... James Morrison

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Wiena Veenstra-Hoving.

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