Version 5: Am I What?

"I am not a lumberjack or fur trader,
I don’t live in an igloo, eat blubber or own a dogsled.
I don’t know Jimmy, Sally, or Suzie from Canada, although I am Sure they are really, really nice.
I have a Prime Minister, not a President, I speak English and French,
Not American; and I pronounce “about” not “a boot”.
I can proudly sew my country’s flag on my backpack.
I believe in peace keeping; not policing,
Diversity; not assimilation,
And the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.
A toque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch,
And it’s pronounced “Zed”, not “Zee”, “Zed”.
Canada is the second largest land mass,
The first nation of hockey
And the best part of North America.
My name is Joe, and I am Canadian!!"

That is the pride of all Canadians, brought to us by Molson Canadian, which is a beer company. I've heard "I am Not Canadian" which is by a French Canadein (yes, there IS a difference) which is hilarious, but he uses some French so I couldn't translate.
I then got this cool little parody of it by my friend Liz...

"I am not shy, or quiet,
And I don’t play a woodwind, French Horn, or even the melody.
I don’t know Jimmy, Sally and Suzie from the flute section,
Although I’m sure their really, really nice.
I have rotaries, not valves, I don’t practice 4 hours a day, even
Though I should, and I play the bass clef, not treble.
I proudly use the ICQ nickname 2ba Girl.
I believe in playing loud, not quiet,
Being the backup, not the star,
And the bass line is a truly proud and noble part.
A trumpet is for a showoff, a Baritone’s for a wuss,
And playing is fun, not boring, fun.
The Tuba is the largest instrument,
The first instrument made for a bass line,
And the best part of the band.
My name is Liz, and I play the Tuba!!"

I was awed! I though this was the most shway thing I had ever seen! So, being a French Horn player who has a great amount of pride in her instrument...I started to get creative.

I am not snobby, or mean
And I don't play the flute, sax or clarinet.
And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzie from the Clarinet section although I'm sure they're really, really nice.
I have 4 rotaries, not 3 valves, I play both clefs, not one
And my cleaning cloth is my best friend.
I can proudly wear my instrument's pin on my jacket
I believe in alto and tenor parts
Playing fully and not blatty
And that the Triple Horn is a truely proud and noble instrument.
The Saxophones are cheap, trumpets have it easy
And the Horn was made in Germany, not France, Germany!
The Horn is the longest instrument,
And the hardest to play
Yet the most awesome part of the band
My name is Meghan, and I play the French Horn!!

Yes I do.
I wanna thank Liz because she was creative first and I copied her idea of a parody. She kicks arse!!
