Welcome to The Star Trek:Enterprise Award Page. I give out three awards to members of the Star Trek community who's sites I believe truly surpass all others before them. Each site submitted will be checked in four areas. Content, Navigation, Originality, and Neatness.


When I say originality, I'm talking about the site as a whole. Not just graphics but ideas. There are an uncountable number of Star Trek sites that all look the same. Many are just facsimiles of others. I love sites that have a new look or new and cool style of navigation. These sites are usually the Best of the Best.


Sites must be purely Star Trek. It must be a non-profit site. There should there be no pornography or profanity of any kind or other offensive material with in the site. Loading time is not much of an issue for me. Patience is a virtue. A page should take no longer than 5 minutes to fully load. Text should be visible. The background should not interfere with the text.


I'm not a person that likes too much of anything, good or bad. I like balance. Sites with a little of everything are good. Sites that offer nothing but links will not be eligible for the Gold or Silver Awards. Content is important. It gives the site substance and character. So do the Graphics. Navigation must be smooth. If one gets lost in your site, then it's needs some work. Graphics should be original as should Layout.


Sites that are heavily under construction will not be considered for the award. If more than 40% of the site is under construction, then don't apply. I have been to many sites that claim they are constantly updated, but the site hasn't been touched in over 3 months. Sites that are neglected for 3 months or over will not be eligible for the awards. The web-master should take pride in their creations.

Please *note* that I am very strict in following this criteria and that just because your site meets these guidelines does not mean you will win these awards. Very few site that apply will win the gold award. The awards are shown above. They are samples and have been reduced in size.

Application Form

Your name

Site name

Site URL

Your email

A short description of your site


Site Navigation Map