Backlash rules. I'd have to say he is one of the few people that I actually trust. He never tried to seduce me, and he went out of his way to help me out several times. He had the sweetest portable. Touch screen, and a voice program. It really was a sweet portable. And he let me use it.

I guess I helped him open a club called Crimson Frenzy. I swear I lived at that place. Crashed there once too. You know booths are comfortable when pushed together to form a sort of bed.

I'd have to call Backlash my mentor. I asked him a lot of questions. And he also helped teach me how to Hunt. Before that I suppose I was just bumbling around, all clumsy like.

Backlash claimed to be Brujah. But Poly, and Kayta say he isn't. Backlash was quick and strong like we are though. I should know. I watched him pick up a car, and throw into the back of a Dodge pickup. Actually that was highly amusing. One of Backlash's favorite things to do was pick me up, throw me over his shoulder, and run through NYC. Whee. Ass first through NYC. He told me not to worry about it, cause nobody could see it, but him. Great.

I tried to repay his kindness to me, by teaching him how to read. Or trying to. He was picking up the basics when he sorta disappeared. That annoys me to no end. Worries me a lot as well.

Lia once told me that people like Backlash just don't disappear like that. She was right. Lia said that people like her disappear. I said people like me disappear as well. Lia disagreed on that point saying that I don't disappear unless something happened. I am very afraid something happened to Backlash. I don't have that many friends. And even less that I actually trust.

Where are you? What happened? Please don't be dead.