It's Poly. I guess you would call him my primogen. Or x-primogen. Or something He's really nice to me. Only beat my ass a few times, usually when I did something stupid. Keeps trying to get me to move in with him. Wonder why.

He helped get me back on my feet, when everybody disappeared on me. Told me a lot of things that Kernel never got a chance to tell me. I guess you could call him my second dad.

Well that's how I see him. My other dad. Though that doesn't mean I have to listen to him. Lord knows I didn't before. *smirk*

Though I will say. I do love watching his jaw drop to the floor. Or that stunned I-just-got-wacked-in-the-face-by-a-2x4 expression I seem to be so good at getting him to do. *innocent look*

He's going to be pissy when he finds out I don't really follow a primogen anymore. I figure that it's going to hurt. A lot. Hope he doesn't kill me. That would suck.

I get the feeling he would spoil me rotten if I would let him. It's nice staying at his place though. Can we say utter luxury? Though I do keep getting knocked over by Zeus, the god dog.

I can say that he does let me get away with a lot of shit. He lets me tell him to shut up. Many primos I know would prolly beat me for that. But then he is a bit informal.

I don't think that Poly is too fond of Kayta. He gets this really strange, annoyed expression on his face whenever I mention him. He also degrades Kayta, saying He isn't good enough. Wonder why.

I sometimes wonder why he let's us all call him Poly. I always thought that was a girls name. 'Course I'm not going to debate that point. He gets pissy really easy like the rest of us, and getting beaten isn't exactly my idea of a fun night. Oddly enough I seem to get beat on more by my own family, than by anybody else.

Poly is another that has killed for me. Isn't that nice of him? I hear he took out the mean nasty that left me on his couch with a piece of wood through my heart. And bound me to him. That. Pissed. Me. Off. Thankfully Poly, Al, and Kernel took care of that for me. I have to figure out a way of thanking him for that.