Well I'm hanging out at Crimson Frenzy again. Backlash comes in, and we start talking. It comes out that I never realy had anybody teach me how to hunt. That I'm pretty much bumbleing along. Denali walks in, and so does another, she's called Fear. Backlash tells Denali and Fear that I was never thought how to hunt. They confrence, and decide that It's time I was tought to hunt. Great it's group participation time. Let's teach 'Rena how to hunt. Backlash closes the club, and dissappears for a moment. He comes back with what looks like a drug dealer, and a pimp. One tucked under each arm. I've mentioned he's strong before right? Good. OK. There's dinner. I'm not too impressed, 'cuz I'd rather have dinner with out any little extras. Backlash points to the fang marks on the wrists, and tells me they are clean.
So Backlash is terrorizeing his dinner. Chaseing the man around the club, snarleing, and flashing his fangs at him. I turn to Denali and Fear. I ask them if its customary to play with your food. For some reason they found that funny. And then told me that it was all personal style. Backlash apparently tires of the game, so he breaks the man's neck, and feeds. I'm wondering if I have to break dinners neck before eating. 'Cuz if so then someone would have to teach me how to do that. Again I was told that it was personal style. *shrug* OK.
My turn now. So I'm chaseing the pimp around, getting all sorts of 'help' from Denali, Fear, and Backlash. Guess I provided the entertainment that night. *smirk* Anyway. Decided that I didn't like the direct approach. For some weird odd unknonw reason, even to myself, I don't like anybody knowing what I am. Unless you're like me. That and I don't like my dinner knowning that I'm around.
I call up Lia, ask her if she wants to go shopeing. I need a new dress *smirk* want to look pretty for Kayta. Lia's busy. But she promised to go with me another time.
So I'm hanging out in GCS again. Laying on a bench, 'paying' my phone bill. *smirk* Some cloaked guy walks up to me. No sound at all, so I'm figguring either he's very quiet on his feet, or he's one of those assamite thingies. He greeted me by my name. Not a good thing in my book, especialy when I've never seen the man before. I figure I'm already dead, so I wasn't exactly respectful. *snicker* Anyway. I asked if I knew him. He didn't think so. I asked him what I should call him. His response was you may call me...friend. So I call him friend. He went on to tell me that I am not like others of my kind, and that they are watching me. I asked him who they were. Again his response was friends. Joy. I've got unknown shadowy friends now. He then tells me his name is Sonneillion. I asked him what it means, and what language. He tells me a little story. That he was named after a Demon, Something about third rank of the first circle. Told him that's got to be a tough reputation to live up to. He goes on with how he never knew the meaning of the name, untill he saw his father sacrafice his mother to the Demon. Not much I can say to that. On a side note here, I did do some reasearch into the name. Apparently the name means Hatred. or Hatred of thin Enemys. And that some father in like the 1600's made up a bunch of Demons to go along with the biblical Angels. Sonneillion was one of them. *grin* Back to the story. He tells me that they, friends, were watching me and another. That we should stick close to each other, and help one another out, for hard times are comming. Then he promptly dissappeard infront of my face. I have GOT to learn that trick. I wondered who the other was. Amazeingly enough, I got an answer back. It was Backlash. I don't think I looked after Backlash well enough, since he dissappeared, and I fear the worse. As a result of this conversation I hunt down Poly.
Turns out Poly has a suprise for me. Kayta is here. I go over to Kayta and lean against him. He's in the middle of complaining to Poly on how he feels useless, and that nobody respects him, and hows hes never realy done anything, except help find me. Told him that that ment a lot to me. Kayta then abruptly got up and just walked away. That hurt alot. I turn and ask Poly what I did wrong. He didn't know. Poly gets up and follows Kayta. Great. Now I've upset both of them. I guess I sit around all lost like, wondering if I should kill myself 'cuz I upset Kayta. Well before I actualy come to a decision they come back. Kayta comes over and appologizes for running out like that, and tells me that it wasn't my fault. I feel all better now. Poly wants to know if iv'e been practiceing with my Bo staff. Oops. I forgot. Poly tells me to have Kayta teach me. Told him that Kayta was, but we got busy. He told me to make time. Um OK. So it's silent for a while. And then I remember why I came looking for Poly. So I said Question. Who's Sonneillion? Now both Kayta and Poly give me the I-just-got-whacked-int-face-by-a-2x4 look. Now that's something interesting.
Poly looks deadly serious, he wants to know why I ask. I wanted to know if I'm in trouble again. Poly said he didn't know, but he'd let me know after I tell him what happened. I paused, and then mentioned the fact that he knew my name. Poly and Kayta mildly freaked.<<<<>>>>
Ran across Backlash again. We end up in Gramercy, the rich rich rich rich section of NYC. OK mental image here. Backlash, man blacker than the night itself, blue eyed, black hair lots of tiney braids, each braid ended with a silver skull bead. And then me. Black leather jacket Anarchy symbol on the back, black velvet thigh high stilletto heeled boots, chainmail corset coverd with black velvet, black leather choaker, short black pleated skirt. We looked like a pimp and his whore whom accidently wandered in from Times Square.