Episode III in May of 2005

This takes place during the clone wars. Mainly the reason Anakin Skywalker turns to the darkside is because of his mother. He has much fear for his mother, and Palpatine sees this, and seduces him. Palpatine proclaims himself Emperor, and the Republic falls, and the Empire takes over. Amidala gives birth to Luke and Leia in this episode, and Anakin leaves her. Obi Wan and Anakin have a final battle, and Anakin falls into a lava pitt, scaring him, so he has to wear black armor to keep him alive. Obi Wan takes Anakin's lightsaber, which he gives to Luke in Episode 4.

Obi Wan takes Luke to Tatooine to live with his brother, Owen Lars, and Amidala brings Leia to Prince Bail Organa on Alderaan to hide the twins from Palpatine, because they are Force sensitive. Bail Organa, and Obi Wan are apparently close friends, and Bail tells Leia in later years to contact Obi Wan whenever trouble brews, explaining the reason Leia contacts Obi Wan in Episode 4. At the same time, Palpatine's fear of the Jedi takes over him, and he wipes out the Jedi, except for Yoda who goes to Dagobah, and Obi Wan Kenobi who goes to Tatooine...and the twins, who are in hiding. Palpatine never suspects a thing. Therefore, the dark ages begin.