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Ok, So I know that I havent exactly gotten anything done.....But hey, you cant expect me to work on this thing 24/7, can you?

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Story Hour in The Madhouse
At the point where hope and reason part,
lies the spot where madness gets a start.
Hope to make the world kinder and free--
but flowers of hope root in reality.
No Peaceful bed exsists for lamb and lion,
unless on some world out beyond Orion.
Do not instruct the owls to spare the mice.
Owls acting as owls must is not a vice.
Storms do not respond to heartfelt pleas.
All the words of men can't calm the seas.
Nature--always beneficicent and cruel--
won't change for a wise man or a fool.
Mankind shares all Nature's imperfections.
clearly visible to casual inspections.
Resisting betterment is the human trait,
The ideal of utopia is our tragic fate.
----Dean Koontz.......The Book of Counted Sorrows.

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