POEM – On the various ways I could love you

If I were a sculptor

I would carve your face in alabaster

chisel your cheeks in rosy contours -

blush your skin with silken softness  

to reveal its rare translucence

and against all resolve

arrest my palm

to find its refuge there…


If I were a painter

I would a canvas be vast enough

to celebrate your beauty,

with every brush stroke

bestow the pain of loving you

in hues of gold and russet,

the blue Indiana sky

the mystic ocean depths

that reflect your soul

and capture a smile, a look,

a tear…


If I were a poet

I would exalt your strength in rare trochee

enshrine your kindness in rhyme royal

and oh! such voice as would the heav'ns declare

my heart and yours can never part

I'd fuse shy couplets' ending rhyme

in ties that bind us to the end of time


If I were a singer

no nightingale could exalt you in chords

such as my voice would give –

I'd sing your praises,

every goodness from within

rising in song ever higher,

I'd offer you the rose of peace

my mandolin weeps my love,

every note a tear…


But none of these I am

I have not the sculptor's hand

or a painter's brush

I am not a weaver of words

nor could my voice in sweetest music

exalt your beauty


I only know that I love you so much

that I would die of it,

that I what I sense

that is what I feel…

