She had thrown a light narrow scarf around her neck and smiled as she switched on the imager. The hollow in her neck still bore traces of Ché's bites. Chakotay didn't seem to notice. His eyes were on her face.


"You look well," he said on their weekly comm link. "Your tan is getting deeper..."


"And you look tired, Chakotay. Are you sure you're not coming down with something?" she asked,


"No." His denial was prompt. But he rubbed his eyes. "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm a little tired. Haven't been sleeping well. I - "


"What is it?" she asked.


"I miss you, Kathryn. I - I know we have problems to sort out; I know it's been hard for you these three years. I can't live without you..."


Kathryn closed her eyes briefly. Ché had said he couldn't let her out of his life. But Chakotay looked so dejected. Her throat constricted. For a moment Ché was forgotten.


"I'll come home - "


"No, Kathryn. We agreed you'd stay your full two months, and it's now into the  fifth week. I just miss your presence here, at the dinner table, breakfast, or going to your office. But I must go through this as much as you need to enjoy your rest. Are you enjoying the holiday?" he asked.


She smiled gently and touched the screen. Chakotay asked that question every week. She nodded.


"How are the dogs?"


"Molly and Missy have been on their best behaviour. Missy is pregnant - "




"Don't worry. You did leave instructions that she be mated, and I took her the first week, remember?"


"We'll be grandparents?" she asked, feeling ridiculously like lighting up a cigar.


"You might as well light a cigar by that expression, Kathryn," he said. The dimples formed in his cheeks and she touched the screen again, glad to see the exhaustion fading a little.


"Don't worry. When I'm home, we can keep the dogs with us a few days."


"You will come home, Kathryn?" he asked, his eyes again dark and wounded.


"Yes," she whispered, "yes...I must come you, Chakotay..."


"Then it is good, my Kathryn.."


When the link closed, Kathryn sat pressing her fingers against her lips, thinking about Chakotay's endearment. He had never called her 'my Kathryn' before and it was so endearing. Oh, why didn't she tell him that she missed him too? Why?






They were sitting in the restaurant of his hotel that Friday night. She had decided to dress a little more formally than her casual sarongs, sandals and straw hat, which had become her trade mark on the island. Now she wore a three quarter length fawn jacket in soft draping fabric over a spaghetti strap satin top with fawn coloured trousers to complete the ensemble. She had made her way alone to the hotel in Naxos Town, as always struck by the beauty of the sunset. Sitting by a window gave them a splendid view of the ocean.


Ché had been waiting for her in the foyer. To her surprise, the first time they were in a restaurant, she’d found he drank very little alcohol. The other patrons recognised her and smiled little knowing smiles, which she ignored. Instead, she returned their greetings with a formal nod as she waited for Ché to reach her. Then he led her to his table.


"Are you worried about what they might be thinking?"


"Not particularly. I like being with you, Ché. I'll not deprive myself of the satisfaction of being in your company."


"Thank you, Kathryn. You're very beautiful. Maybe they're jealous."


"I don't care. I care only that we enjoy our meal and you can hold my hand afterwards as we stroll along the beach in the moonlight."


"That would be good too," he said as they studied the menus and minutes later placed their orders. They served replicated food as well as cooked meals prepared by the island's great chef, Emile. They had both opted for cooked food, because Emile was a very creative chef and surprised them every time with a new dish. Her serving of roasted kingklip on a bed of risotto flavoured with Chardonnay and garnished with leek strips looked like a painting, too good to be eaten.   


"I missed you," she said later as she sipped her wine, his eyes resting warmly on her.


"I missed you too. I couldn't wait to get in my shuttle and you."


"To me? I thought you visited the islands every weekend," she said, teasingly.


"Now I have more reason to be here, and to be alive. You are making me come alive again."


"I haven't had this much fun in years, Ché. You - you have made something in me come alive too..."


"Kathryn..." Her name slipped from his lips like a caress, husky and low. "Let's take a walk on the beach," he suggested. She could see the desire in his eyes and a thrill coursed through her. Who was she kidding? She had been waiting for him all week, and couldn't wait to see him again, to feel his mouth on hers.


Taking off her shoes and feeling the sand through her toes, she walked with Ché's arm protectively around her waist. It was already 2200; she realised they had spent a long time over their meal. She sighed contentedly as she rested her head against him, her old woes forgotten in the bliss of being in his arms. Stopping, she looked over the ocean that glistened in the moonlight, its beam throwing long streaks of gold over the ocean.


It was a magical moment as she turned into his arms and felt herself pulled gently against him.


"I missed you, Kathryn," he murmured before lowering his head to kiss her. Behind her closed eyelids the tears burned, her old bitterness surfacing momentarily at the way Chakotay sometimes planted kisses perfunctorily on her mouth or cheek. Ché caressed her face, dropping lingering kisses everywhere; she turned her head so that he could press his heated lips against a vein that throbbed in its insistence to be relieved of its intense pressure. She pressed into him, his arousal hard and hot against her stomach. Lacing his fingers in her hair, he pulled her back again to kiss the hollow of her throat. She had worn a light scarf when Chakotay called on Wednesday, so he hadn't seen the tell-tale sign of the love bite Ché had put there. There'd be one again in a few hours. But freedom was surrendering to his ministrations and accepting the giddy delight as she ran her fingers through his hair, pressing even harder against him.




He emerged in a daze with eyes that smouldered. She knew what he was thinking. It had been there all evening, unspoken between them. They had both acknowledged that when he came again, that the rules would change and the boundaries would slink silently away like a snake into the thick grass where they would remain hidden.


"I'll take you home," he said, his voice almost slurring.


He wasn't drunk as she nodded in mute consent. Without speaking again, he took her hand and led her to the transports where she sat next to him, burying her face in his neck, her pulse racing. A few minutes later, they arrived at her cottage. At her doorstep he hesitated. There was a thunderous sound in her breast. She felt moist between her legs, a heat that cried for relief.


Ché waited. He looked like he had stopped breathing; when she gently took his hand and led him inside, she paused in the middle of the lounge as he let out a long slow breath. He cupped the sides of her head looking at her for endless moments. Did he see the apprehension in her eyes? The fear? Her hand covered his and squeezed it.


"Yes..." she whispered almost inaudibly.


Ché lifted her in his arms and unerringly found the way to her bedroom while she clamped her arms round his neck and buried her face against him.


She felt the bed creak as he let her weight down on it and a sudden wave of apprehension gripped her.


"Ché... I - I have never - "


" sweet Kathryn. Don't be afraid..." he assured her as he pressed his weight down next to her and leaned in to kiss her. Her senses reeled at his touch. Ché carefully removed her jacket, his hand grazing her bosom as he let it drop over the other side of the bed. Kathryn never took her eyes off him. His face was serious, focused and fevered, his dark hair already seeming to mat damply against his scalp. She grabbed his lapels, her fingers tightening their hold.


"Please... I - I'm no good in b-bed," she stammered helplessly as her eyes started filling with tears. She didn't want to disappoint him. "I'm n-not good, Ché..." A soft sob escaped her. Ché loosened her grip and pressed her arms to her sides. If she expected to see compassion in his eyes, she was mistaken. They became two coals of fire.


"Don't you know how sensual and sexy you are? Don't be afraid...It will be all right. Let your heart follow the touch of my hands on your body..." 


She gave a muffled cry as his hand covered her breast while his mouth found her lips again. Fingers prised the straps of her chemise away from her shoulders. She shifted until he slipped her top and bra down to where they bunched at her waist. Ché released her mouth and looked at her breasts, letting out a moan of pleasure, with an air of victory that danced with fire in his smouldering eyes. A cool waft of air was welcomed as her nipples stood taut and hot, waiting for his fingers, or his lips, or his tongue, or his teeth. She didn't know which part of him touched her nipples; she was drowning in a haze of sensual desire as she surrendered to Ché's touches, reeling or drowning. Her hand came up and pulled his head closer to her, straining to find his mouth with her lips. She couldn't think; her senses were assaulted everywhere. The soft kneading of her breast followed by the teasing of her nipples sent her into a wild frenzy as her body started to quiver into life. She trembled violently as she allowed the fire to spread through her, arching towards him in her wanton desire to be touched where she was already spilling her juices.


Ché had anticipated that desire; he hooked her leg with his so that he could brace her and she instinctively spread her thighs. Despite the waves of ecstasy that rushed like a terrible onslaught through her, she was dizzily aware that he was slowly tugging the zipper down, pressing his fingers inside the waistband, pulling it a little away from her hips. She shifted again, wanting him to hurry but at the same time scared she might not be able to... A small cry of despair escaped her and Ché stopped instantly as he broke off the kiss. She stared at him; there was no teasing, no gloating. Her throat throbbed wildly and her bosom heaved. Still he waited for her, his hand paused on her hip. Her breathing eased again. 


"Ché...I'm no - "


"Just let yourself feel, sweetheart... Just let yourself feel. Here, feel my fingers moving over your skin... It's good..." They grazed lightly across her skin, the tickling sensation instantly making way for the heat that suffused it. Was she on fire? He stopped, keeping his eyes on her. She gasped in frustration and put her hand over his, pushing it to touch...touch...


"Yes...yes, Ché," she said softly. "Touch me..."


He groaned in response. Her panty slipped away and she gave another surprised little whimper as his fingers made contact with her pubis. It sprang into life, her hips lifting towards his fingers. His  palm covered her vagina and she sucked in her breath, thinking she would die of giddiness the moment her found her slit. His eyes widened, the coals of fire glowing deeper.


"So ready," he murmured. "Just the way it should be, waiting for my fingers." Her bosom heaved, her hand finding a grip on the bed cover as her body stiffened at his touch. She was so afraid of the simmer without the explosion. So afraid...


"Ché...I - "


"Shhh... Just let your body relax, sweetheart..."


She tried. Tears wanted to burst from her eyes. Ché waited, stilling the movement of his fingers. Then very, very slowly, he moved against her opening so that she spilled again, the new juices lubricating his fingers. She gasped as her muscles began to relax; her folds swelling, becoming limp and acquiescent as they parted to his slow, light massage.




"That's it, Kathryn," he coaxed, "that's it... I can feel how ready you are..."


His finger dipped into her slit and she cried out shamelessly as he moved it gently in and out, his thumb splaying her dripping folds to find her little pink nub. She gasped as he massaged her clit, flicking it gently while his forefinger journeyed deeper inside her. She spilled her juices liberally around his finger as her body began to move in the rhythm he set with his hand. All the time she watched him, saw how the glow changed and the smile deepened. It pleasured him to pleasure her as he encouraged her hips to move with his hand. Her sheath squeezed his finger, not wanting him to leave her. Her mind couldn't take the onslaught of continuous erotic sensations, so she let them all wash over her in unending waves that rushed at her. And all the time his finger darted in and out, thrusting as far inside as he could go. Somewhere, the storm started to build up; the ocean rose  higher and higher.


"C-Ché? Oh God, Ché!"


"Yes...that's it, sweetheart. Feel, feel..."  


The fire storm raged around his hand; her lower body burst into flames in helpless abandon as he thrust in her. When did another finger join the first? It felt thicker... Oh, God...! Tears spilled from her as the flames shot arrogantly higher and wilder, tossing her about in their excessive force. She was reeling out of control, the spiralling vortex shaking her foundations. Lifting off the bed, her body stiffened suddenly in sensual rage.


Explosion. Blinding as the brightest sunlight. A thousand blinding sparks. There was no cry from her, for Ché's mouth was capturing it, holding his mouth over hers in a bruising kiss as he swallowed her climax. She fell slowly to earth, her body completely paralysed by the force of her crash. His fingers moved lazily, and he  heaved with her, taking in all her little whimpers that would have been heard had his mouth not covered hers, until at last, her breathing calmed, the intense throbbing only teased into wild spasms every time Ché touched her clit again, or slid in his finger.


She lay, overwhelmed by what had just happened. Her face was wet and she knew not where the wetness had come from, except that her body was now convulsing in a bout of sobs that was uncontrollable. Ché had removed his finger from her slit. In the daze of her sobbing, she was hardly aware that he had slowly stripped the rest of her clothes. When she could look at him again, he lay naked beside her.


She sucked in her breath.




"Now, I'm going to give you pleasure," he growled as he braced himself over her on his elbows, his hands in her hair.


Then he started licking her, from her lips, her wet eyelids, moving down slowly to one breast, capturing a nipple between his teeth and gently nipping. Her legs spread so he could settle himself comfortably between them. Her hands were above her head, groping for something to support her. She cried out when he latched on the other nipple, sucking gently at first, becoming bolder as he caught the whole aureole in his mouth, resting it on his tongue like a baby would suck on a teat. He started sucking strongly and her core began to light up into a fireball again. A cry of surprise... Ché's body glistened and felt damp as she ran her hands over his back. She wanted to curse when he released her breast, only to rejoice when he started laving the other breast with his tongue before pulling it into his mouth. His arousal was insistently nudging her still throbbing core but he took no notice as she arched high to find that connection. He was taking his time, his tongue discovering the wonders of her navel. Kathryn moaned, tossing her head in fevered rhythm as Ché's tongue moved lower, grazing over the tuft of damp curls.


"Ché...? I - "


He was going to lick her, her mind sang with wonder. He was going to lick her! It never worked with Chakotay... Never. Ché had removed his hands from her head and was now pressing her thighs wider apart. She lifted her head once only to see the entranced look on Ché's face as he stared at her vagina, its folds soft and moist and swollen, opened like a rose showing off its petals.


"Oh, God..." she murmured as his mouth at last covered her softness. Her teeth started to chatter as pleasure ripped through her. He nipped at her folds, then pressed his mouth over her entire opening. His tongue darted like a demented penis in and out of her slit that cried for something more, but the sensation of his flicking tongue sent her careening out of control. It seemed he wanted to reach deep inside her sheath. Everything around her vagina was soaked in her juices and the moisture that dripped from his mouth. She was going to sob, she knew it. His mouth, lips, tongue, teeth - all made love to her vagina that was a helpless mass of flesh wanting to be eaten.   


Then he slowed dramatically. A waft of cold air cooled her fevered opening, allowing her to breathe at last. The reprieve was short-lived. He caught her clit by grazing it with his upper teeth while his tongue kept the slit covered. She spilled liberally around his tongue and into his mouth as the ocean heaved again. He was nibbling her clit, she thought with wild surprise, then suddenly sucking it, teasing it into a frenzy. She pushed into his mouth and bucked again with vigorous rhythm. Her hands were at her sides, gripping the cover as her body arched high, and stiffened alarmingly.


"Ché!!!! Yes! Oh, Ché!"  Her scream filled the room, swelled into the silence, shattering the fragile cocoon around them with its force as Ché never let her go, his hands pinning her knees down in the bed, her vagina throbbing wildly into his mouth. She screamed again and again as the power of the orgasm carried her to the edge and she went roaring over.


This time, Ché didn't give her a chance to recover as he slid up her body.


"Lift,!" he commanded and as she instinctively lifted her hips, Ché slid into her. Her  pussy, long sensitised by the assault of his fingers and mouth, welcomed him with its tightness, adjusting to his thick cock. Her eyes felt heavy, so heavy with desire. She knew how she must look, knew how she’d always wanted to look: a wanton hussy. Her body was locked to him, her sheath filled to the hilt, thick and glorious, burning and throbbing. His fingers laced through hers above her head. His hair was damp, his forehead covered with beads of perspiration. His eyes burned into her, filled with terrifying resolve. "We belong together, you and I...always, you hear me?" he growled, the sound emanating from deep in his throat. "Feel me move into you, Kathryn... It's good..."


"Yes!" she cried in triumph as she locked her legs around his waist. He gave a cry of surprise as he sank even deeper into her. She watched his face contort as he moved, at first, lazy thrusts so that she could match his pace, then harder, faster, always using his voice to inflame her senses.


"Yes, that's it, Kathryn. You taste so good... So soft, so sweet, so tasty. Now, you're mine, my little wanton hussy. Feel me... You like it, Kathryn?"


Her heart raced; she gave little whimpers of pleasure feeling his cock fill her completely. She was drowning in pleasure. Then suddenly, he pulled out until only his tip was lodged at he opening of her slit. She watched his expression. Was it triumph? Was it pure pleasure? She couldn't decide. Her body was preparing again for another ocean wave rolling relentlessly to break against the rocks.




"Yes!" he cried, ramming hard into her. She screamed and he repeated the action again and again until his body stiffened. There was a short, dramatic pause as he pounded into her the final time. "Kathryn! Oh, Kathryn!" he howled her name as he locked into her, her body arching high as she crashed into another explosion. He stiffened above her, heaving up straight, his body poised for the final strike. "Kathryn!!" he cried again desperately as he spilled his seed that seemed to be drawn  painfully from him. She had no idea whether they were two or one as their bodies joined in the same vortex with no clear distinction of which was her body or which was his. With every thrust after that, he moaned and called out, "Kathryn, Kathryn..." until the storm abated and he collapsed over her.


Kathryn marvelled at how he lost control in those last moments, how his face had become almost unrecognisable and ugly as he strained against her. Tears rolled unabated down her cheeks, into her neck and soaked into the cover of her bed as she held Ché's shaking body. They were still joined, her core still pulsating in the aftermath. Entranced, she listened to Ché's sobs, then realised something earth-shattering:


I am not abnormal... There is nothing wrong with my body


So she fell asleep later, hardly aware that Ché had shifted both of them to lie under the covers and pulled her to lie in his arms.  At some time she awoke, to find that he was fondling her breast, fingering the tuft of curls at her mound, caressing it insistently. She shifted to lie on her back, opening her legs so that he could have more room to move, tasting the salt on his skin as he bent over her, her lips finding his nipple, teasing it into erect nub.


They didn't speak as he covered her, for she was already melting into softness, her folds eagerly swelling. A sigh of pleasure escaped her as Ché filled her again, this time moving slowly and sensuously in her. Their soft moans filled the darkness, joined only by the noise of the ocean. Breaths mingled as they kissed, her body singing to his touch, knowing the exact moment she knew it would crash over the edge again. She didn't question why this happened. There was just a deep and profound gladness that Ché had freed her body. She spread her legs wider, smiling in the darkness when he groaned. When it came, his climax left them both panting for long moments before they fell into slumber again.


In the early hours of the morning, it was she who slid down the covers, seeking his soft penis. He awoke instantly, for he moved so that she could lie between his legs. Then she held the soft cock in her hand, licking it, pulling the skin back and taking the tip in her mouth, sucking gently, glorying when he became rock hard seconds later. He pulled her towards him but she resisted his urging.


"Kathryn," he murmured in the darkness, "I've never..."


"Shut up, Ché," she said after releasing his stiff cock briefly. "Lights."


The room was bathed in light. Kathryn looked at Ché who had moved to sit up against the pillows,  knees drawn up and spread wide. He was staring dumbfounded at her, his cock bobbing between his thighs.


"" he protested as she licked his cock lightly.


He surrendered with a cry as his hand gripped her head and pushed her closer to his crotch.


Then she ministered to his cock, laving it with her tongue, gently squeezing his balls. He gave little cries of pained delight at the way she squeezed him. Kathryn moved so that she could bend over him, taking his cock into her mouth. She heard him suck in his breath as she pulled him in. Her head reeled from the sensual movement as she began to thrust into him. His hands pressed her down on him, then he  suddenly decided to pull her away. She ignored his cries and sank down on him again, relishing the feel of his ridged flesh in her mouth. She could swallow him in; she felt like doing it, sucking tentatively at first, his cock growing even harder and hotter. Her head was swimming as she enjoyed the sensation of his rock hard penis lodged in her mouth. The engorged tip nudged against the back of her throat; the mild gag feeling passed as she slowly adjusted to his stiffness, gradually sucking him into the depth of her mouth.


"Kathryn!" he cried as he slid in even deeper.


A blinding flash, a wave of desire overpowered her as she kept him prisoner, her hand on his thighs, pressing them apart. She wanted to burst with the pleasant feeling it gave her to keep him lodged so deeply. "Wow..." she heard him cry as she grabbed his hand and pulled him to a kneeling position. Pressing her palms against his butt, she coaxed him to move forward. Her eyes filled with tears. Ché seemed reluctant to move, but with her insistent pushing of his butt towards her, she felt the instant he surrendered again, grabbing her head and thrusting slowly. It felt so good... She wanted to hold on to him forever. His hips moved in a slow cadence until she felt how the thrusts became stronger and stronger. Ché gave one final push and spilled into her. She watched fascinated as he pulled his length slowly out of her mouth.


Ché looked stunned, incapable of coherent speech as he pulled her up and held her close. His hands trembled and, as she rubbed against his body, she could still feel his shudders. His eyes were glued to her mouth and fingers that quivered touched her lips in reverence.


"I've always wanted to do that," she whispered huskily, before she pulled him down and snuggled against him. Still, he remained quiet, but hugged her so fiercely to him that she smiled before ordering the lights to darkness again. He wanted to turn her on her back to pleasure her, but she stopped him. .


"That was for you, sweetheart. You have the rest of the weekend to make love to me..."


He sighed as he spooned her to him and minutes later she heard his even breathing as he slept again.


In the new, awed silence in which only the sound of the ocean could be heard, she matched her breathing with his until she drifted finally into pleasant slumber.





End Part 7