The eighth in the Reincarnation Series

Another Time


Veronica Jane Williams

Also the third segment in the Roman Centurion Mini Saga

DISCLAIMER: Paramount owns Voyager. I wrote this story.

Rating: NC-17

Music: The very beautiful and haunting LARGO from the Guitar Concerto in D Major by Vivaldi.



Eleni was sitting in the library of Flavius' house. Perched on a high stool in front of what could be described as a drawing board, she gently eased the scroll open. Of the finest papyrus of Egypt, the parchment was extremely fragile to handle.

Her hands caressed the lettering, her lips were parted as she became enthralled in staring at something she knew the many slaves of households she had lived in, could never understand.

But she was Greek. In her earliest years, she had parents. Learned intellectuals, who had themselves been captured on their travels, and sold into slavery. Everything she knew, had been taught to her by them. Her father, Sylvanus taught her to read, to write, taught her the earliest rudiments of mathematics, algebra, geometry.

"My child", he said to her, "you have a quick brain."

"You do not mind that I am a girl, father?" she asked him then, knowing that education had been the right of the boys, and a privilege for the girls.

"My child, how could I not allow you to explore that mind of yours?"

"Perhaps you will anger the gods, father," she told him as she comfortably read through a passage of Plato's Republic, written in Greek.

"Oh no, sweet Eleni," and his eyes clouded, knowing what her eventual fate would be, she was so beautiful, "one day, one day, I swear by all the gods, you'll meet your Hermes, or your Eros, and you'll be happy."

Oh, my father, Eleni thought with pain, if only you knew now that I have met my Hermes. Handsome, kind. A master who has freed me. You knew my road to Flavius would be long and full of pain and suffering and hardship, the terror of abuse. Always, my father, I have thought of your words whenever... she sighed, whenever a new master abused me in his bed... to blot out the shame, and imagine that somewhere, my Hermes is waiting.

Eleni sighed. She had been here for three months. As the betrothed of Flavius Tomas Parisius. And tomorrow...tomorrow she would be his bride...


"You need time, Eleni. At the end of three months, then we will marry, and I will put this ring on your finger."

She looked at the ring, and was stunned. Only the week before she had still seen it on the third finger of the Lady Melissa's hand. His mother.

"Do not worry, Eleni," Flavius said, his eyes laughing, "it is given to every new bride coming into this home. My mother was the last. You are the next. One day, when we have a daughter, she will wear it."

She wanted to thank him, but was afraid to touch him. He could see her fear, so he sat down next to her on the bench under the olive trees, and took her hand in his. She tried to look away, but he held his finger under her chin, made her look at him.

He brought his face closer, she could see deep into his eyes, then she felt his lips on hers. Something warm crept through her whole body as he kissed her. She remained passive, too scared to move. But the sense of warmth was overwhelming, the desire alien, yet curiously delicious. She pressed closer, her hand going up to his shoulder, and she could hear him moan. She opened her eyes quickly, thinking she had offended him, and drew away from him, her eyes filled with fear.

"I - sorry, Master - "

That was when she saw for the first time his blue eyes flash with anger. She backed away and jumped up from the bench. She gasped, then said softly:


He reached her in a single stride, his anger gone as suddenly as it appeared, and held her shoulders.

"Forgive me, Eleni. I know there are many things you must still become accustomed to. Come, let's walk in the olive grove. Then we can talk. Remember, I'm not your master."

She looked at him, her fear subsiding, then she put her arms around his waist, and rested her face against his chest. His hand came up and cupped her head.

"I love you, Eleni, more and more as each day passes."

"I - I love you too, Flavius Tomas."

"That's good. Now come, there is something else I want to show you..."

His hand resting lightly against her back, he urged her forward, and they walked through the olive grove. They reached an open field, though a section of it was encamped, by wooden beams. Eleni looked at Flavius, stunned again by his very blue eyes, how good he looked in his white tunic, wearing the leather strap sandals. On his right wrist was a broad bracelet, bearing the family crest, as well the ring on his little finger. The family seal.

She thought how fortune smiled on her these last weeks. Even her nightmares became less frequent and less terrifying, replaced now by visions of a tall man, in Roman garb, with eyes as blue as the skies, who kissed her...

Then she looked again at the paddock. Flavius looked at Eleni, to see her reaction. A stable boy was riding a horse, a chestnut mare. Her eyes went wide as she looked, first at the horse and rider, who now seemed to move in their direction, then at Flavius. There was a question in her eyes.

"She's yours, Eleni," he said as the boy dismounted and held the reins to her.


"Don't you like her?" he parried, his eyes smiling, an indulgent look in them. He saw for a moment the proud flash in her eyes, and was glad.

Her hand went up and she caressed the mare's head. She snorted, then dipped her head, as if she liked the new, soft hand that touched her. Nuzzling her nose against Eleni. She smiled. Flavius wondered if he would ever hear Eleni laugh. But that was enough, for now.

"She - she likes me," Eleni said, a look of wonder in her eyes.

"Of course she likes you," Flavius said with an imperious air. "I ordered her to..."

Eleni smiled again, and Flavius, seeing how her face lit up, and her eyes shone, thought how beautiful she looked.

"Does she have a name?" Eleni asked.

"My love," he said, and Eleni's heart skipped an unaccustomed beat hearing him call her that, his voice warm and caring, "you must name her. She's yours now."

"She has breeding," Eleni said, surprising Flavius again, that she recognized the Arab bloodlines of the mare. He wondered, looking at Eleni, now just after one month in his home, whether she was aware of how cultured and aristocratic she herself appeared. It had been there all the time. Only...only... He thought of how, just over a year ago, he bought a young slave, and freed him immediately. He learned that the young man was an Ethiopian prince, who could not thank him enough for saving his life, and freeing him.

"Then I shall call her Zaïde," Eleni said.

"I am free all day tomorrow, Eleni, then you and I will go riding together." He looked at her expression, knew what she was thinking. "It's alright, my love. No one questions Flavius Tomas Parisius. When you're with me, you will ride, and you can wear a young boy's riding breeches and sit astride Zaïde," he said again with that imperious air of his.

Eleni wondered again, as she held half a pomegranate in her hand which Zaïde grabbed greedily between her teeth, about this man she was going to marry. He must be an important man, she decided, and very wealthy. When Zaïde nudged her empty hand, patently looking for more of the succulent fruit, her nose and eyes just seeming to beg, she laughed. A clear, bell like sound. Or it sounded like that to Flavius, as he heard her. Her teeth were white and even. He felt the familiar thudding of his heart. He wanted to kiss her right there.

He held her shoulders, saw her mouth, her parted lips, felt the irresistible urge to kiss her. But he hesitated. She raised her face, stood right on her toes, then she pressed her lips against his. She felt again that same feeling go through her when he kissed her earlier. This time she did not draw away. The kiss lingered, and almost involuntarily her lips parted under his. He moaned as he felt her moving closer to him. This time she seemed not afraid. He teased her gently with his mouth, his tongue just touching her teeth, then it darted into her mouth. She felt a warmth creeping through her again, and the strangest feeling. The strange ripple went right through her, and rested in her lower region. She felt a wetness between her thighs. That was when she pulled away, but not suddenly. With a strange look of wonder on her face, her eyes smouldering. Flavius wondered idly if Eleni could see her face suffused with desire. But the moment was broken as the horse nudged both of them, almost throwing Eleni off balance.

"Thank you, Flavius..."

His voice thick with desire, he looked at her.

"Come, Eleni, we need to get you out of the sun," he said hoarsely, wondering how he was going to prevent himself from keeping his hands off her.

They walked slowly back, her hand now in his, and she would look at him from time to time, he would bend down and kiss her.


It had been in the second week of her stay in the house of Flavius that he saw her standing in the doorway of the library. She had been carrying a bowl of fruit, which the lady Melissa had asked her to bring to Flavius. Maybe, she thought now, sitting and looking at Caesar's account of the Gallic Wars, the Lady Melissa saw the growing attraction, and gave Eleni every opportunity to be with Flavius. To learn to know him and grow less afraid of him. But this was his sanctuary. No one came in here.

"Come in Eleni. This library is not out of bounds for you," he said, a smile on his face.

She entered the room, rather reluctantly, and placed the fruit on a low table near where he had been sitting on the high stool at the scroll board. She stood there, and waited for his commands. Her old habit of the slaves, their eyes cast down, still very much a part of her. She did not know what his next command would be. She waited.

He held out his hand to her, looked in her face, and said:

"Eleni, you are not a slave. Take my hand, Eleni."

She took his hand, trembling a little, and he pulled her gently closer, until she stood next to him. She could smell him, his maleness, his clean shaven face, see his clear, blue eyes. He nodded. She felt a little relieved. Then she looked at what he was reading. She stared and stared. He saw her look, looked at the scroll, then at her.

"Caesar's Gallic Wars," he said, a frown forming.

"I know. It's in Latin. His accounts of the wars in Gaul," she said shyly.


"I can read, Flavius. Latin and Greek," it came softly from her.

"Who taught you?" he asked, already knowing her answer. Greek slaves almost always were intellectuals, well read and versed in the letters and sciences, mathematics.

"My f-father Sylvanus. Silo, he was called. I - was twelve when I was sold to another master. I d-don't know where my parents are, now," she said.

" indeed very sorry to hear that, Eleni," his heart cringing at the thought that she had been used from such an early age.

"I am here now, Flavius, and I am happy," she said, seeking to push away that look of compassion in his eyes for her lost parents. He appeared only slightly satisfied.

"Eleni, come here to the library as often as you like. Even when I am not here. Especially when I'm not here. Do you understand?" She nodded.

That was how she came to translate the Latin texts into Greek for him, writing on the finest papyrus she had seen. She spent as much time as she could spare from her duties as the Lady Melissa's companion, here.

In the last two months she came to learn to know Flavius. He bought three slaves in that time, and freed them all, seeing that they were cared for, and found households for them where he knew they would be well treated, and paid. He was compassionate, gentle, kind. He was as handsome as, more handsome than Hermes. Her messenger.

They went riding often, picnicking in the olive groves. He began to touch her more often, she flinched less and less. She liked that he kissed her. It was for her exciting. Sometimes he would take her to the more exotic markets, and buy her jewelry, beautiful soft silk fabrics. She dressed more and more in the style of the Roman women. The more affluent Roman women, she corrected herself. She realised the many privileges that came with being the betrothed of Flavius Tomas Parisius. They had gone to the magistrate once to arrange for the ceremony. She met Marcus Tullius, and disliked him on sight, something that Flavius noticed immediately. After that he made sure he kept her away from Marcus Tullius. Not that he was jealous, but he knew the nature of Marcus Tullius. She sighed now, thinking of the next day.

Tomorrow she will come to him as his bride. She felt at once excited and scared. She did not know what to expect, or what would be expected of her. She - she had only known pain. And most of the time they forced their gross bodies on her, she screamed in pain. Remembering how the first time...she wondered why she was thinking of that again. The first time she bled for a week after the master took her with such force, that she sank into unconsciousness. He later brought his two friends...

She closed her eyes suddenly, becoming agitated, breathing erratically. She couldn't stop, and it was hurting her chest. She looked to the door of the library, saw Flavius standing there and for a moment thought... that was when she screamed...


Flavius stood in the door of the library. He had just come from duty at the garrison. He needed to be in Eleni's company. She was learned, and he found in the last two months he could discuss things with her - anything from literature to science and politics. She was stimulating company, always keeping him on his toes. She was clever, well read. He wanted to be with her, smell the flowers in her hair. Kiss her... Tomorrow she would be his bride and then...he would make her his, for all time.

He was unprepared for the expression of shock and revulsion that registered on her face as she saw him in the doorway of the room and started screaming.

He reached her in two strides, and by the time he touched her shoulders, she had fainted, collapsing into his arms. He carried her quickly to her room, calling for his mother as he went along. She entered only seconds after he put Eleni on the bed. One of the house helpers brought in a bowl of cold water and a cloth. Melissa sat on the bed next to her, and dabbed her warm face.

She woke minutes later, the look of abject fear still in her face. Then she started crying softly as she saw the hurt expression on Flavius' face.

Flavius tried not to give in to his rage -a nd his frustration. Eleni, it seemed, was far from ready for intimacies such as making love. And tomorrow they were to be married. Already he waited three months. He loved her, so much, that his heart pained of it. He left the room quietly while his mother ministered to the distraught girl.

"I - I am sorry, my lady Melissa. So sorry. I did not mean to hurt him."

"Eleni," Melissa said with her eyes full of kindness. "My son will never hurt you. But I know you have been hurt. Very badly. Believe me when I say that you must trust him, sweet Eleni. Now tell me, what just happened in the library?"

She tried to turn her face away from the older woman. But Melissa was patient. She waited until Eleni was ready, and looked at her again. Eleni's heart thudded. She was still a little afraid. But she was slowly beginning to trust this kind woman and her son, whom she was to marry on the morrow.

"I - forgive me Lady Melissa... " Melissa smiled, and was filled with some pride and gratitude. Her eyes alone encouraged Eleni to talk.

"I - I was for a moment... I don't say..."

"It's alright, Eleni. You think Flavius will hurt the...others did?"

How did she know? Eleni wondered as she looked at her future mother. But she nodded her head, then said, very slowly, haltingly:

"I was thinking...I know I should not have...but I could not help myself. I'm scared...I was twelve. There were three men..." For a few seconds Eleni cried almost wildly, then tried to control herself.

Melissa closed her eyes at this child's unutterable pain. She wanted to tell her not to continue, she could see how much the memory hurt. But Eleni, she could see, had courage.

"I bled for a long time. I lost consciousness. After that, there was always...pain...I hated myself. I was forced to do...many things."

"Things you imagine Flavius might expect of you?"

Eleni looked at Melissa in shocked understanding. The older woman homed in on the very core of her fear.

Melissa looked at Eleni, and realised she had been right in her assumption. She needed to be assured.

"Eleni, my child, tell me. Did Flavius kiss you?"

Eleni nodded.

"There. And tell me, were you afraid of him then?"

"No...not anymore, my lady."

"And you did not flinch away from him?" Melissa prodded.

Eleni smiled. "It felt...good," she said, her eyes smiling now at the memory of Flavius' kisses.

"See? That is a step forward Eleni. He will be intimate with you, and he will not hurt you, sweet child. But Eleni, you need to give him that assurance that you trust him, implicitly, that he'll never hurt you."

Eleni nodded, and sat staring after Melissa after that lady left the room. She sighed. Her body was only now experiencing the fledgling beginnings of desire and passion. It was a sexuality that was alien to her, yet, she knew implicitly that it was hers, and that it must always have been there. Now, thinking of Flavius' kisses and his gentle touches, sent warm shards of fire in her body, and it frightened her. Exciting her at the same time.


She found him in the courtyard sitting on one of the wide benches. Her heart bled in that moment for her son. She knew that three months ago, when he rescued Eleni from the dusty street just outside the market, that he had lost his heart. He, son and heir to the family property and fortunes in Alexandria. Owner of three merchant vessels, whose wealth accumulated every time the vessels arrived safely in port with more and new merchandise. This was Flavius who always seemed to have some woman, whom women could not leave alone, who never looked at another woman again after setting eyes on Eleni. He looked desperately unhappy as she watched him.

But Eleni. She was still troubled. And Flavius...he would have a difficult task winning her trust. To make her believe that not all men were bad and that the act of intimacy can be something so beautiful, and an expression of the love he had for her. His eyes were deeply troubled as she sat down next to him and looked at him.

"She - she's not ready, Mother. It - I was too hasty - "

"She's just afraid, my son. She has suffered. She has been abused by men. You know that. She...thinks...of intimacies as very painful experiences, Flavius. There has never been any love."

"I know, Mother," he sighed, his eyes very unhappy.

"Go to her, Flavius, she needs you. She needs to know she can trust you. That she can trust again."

Melissa watched her son rise from the seat, give her a grateful look, before he vanished into the house again.

May the gods watch over you, my children. May the gods watch over you.


Eleni opened her eyes when Flavius knocked softly before entering. She sat up in the bed, held open her arms. Flavius joined her in a single stride, embracing her almost convulsively, his face in her hair. She stroked his hair, tentatively at first, then with a more assured movement of her hand.

"Forgive me...Flavius," she whispered to him. "I do not wish to hurt you. I love you..."

"I love you too, Eleni. So much. But my love, I think you...need more time...we can choose another date - "

"No - please...I'm sorry...tomorrow...I want to be your wife, Flavius."

"My love - "

", Flavius. Tomorrow, I want to be yours, forever."

"Are you certain, Eleni?" He looked deep into her soft brown eyes, then kissed her gently on her lips. "You were very frightened just now - "

"I know, Flavius. must forgive me, sometimes these memories... They are getting less and less, Flavius. It's not... you," she assured him.

"I - I will never hurt you, Eleni. Never."

"I know, Flavius. You are good and kind and loving. I love you," she said on a stronger note.

"Now that's more like it, my love," he said. "Tomorrow then?"

"Tomorrow, Flavius."

"My love," he whispered brokenly as he drew her into his embrace again and kissed her.


On the morning of the wedding between Flavius and Eleni, he stood in his courtyard. He was expecting his ablest rider that morning and he hoped that it would be good news. Antonius left two weeks earlier for the island of Sicilia, on horseback to deliver a message to Cateline of Marsala. It had taken him almost two months to trace Cateline, a Roman of patrician birth. Antoniuis was due back today. Flavius was excited. His mother, the lady Melissa would be leaving soon after the festivities for a short stay with Claudia, her cousin, who lived at Tirus. She would take only her handmaiden, Sylvia with her.

"So that you can be alone, without any interference from a busybody like me, Flavius," she told them good-naturedly. She did not fail to see Eleni's momentary distress, but the hand she placed on Eleni's was a gesture of calm assurance.

"Thank you," Eleni said softly. "You have been most kind, dear Mother."

"It pleases me Eleni. A great deal. You have tamed my son. That is enough."

Eleni smiled.


That afternoon, with senior officers from his regiment, and dressed magnificently in his uniform, wearing the plumed helmet, which made Eleni think so much of the messenger Hermes, they were joined in marriage. In the courtyard which had been decked with trimmings, lanterns, Eleni said yes to the man she loved. The magistrate smiled kindly as he watched Flavius slip the ring on the third finger of Eleni's left hand.

"You may kiss your wife, Flavius," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

Eleni, in a traditional white Greek costume, the veil hanging long down her back, looked so beautiful, Flavius thought. So beautiful. Her eyes and hair shone. The old scars were now only very faint marks on her forehead. Very soon they would be gone completely.

He kissed her tenderly, as she raised her face to him. Her body was soft against his. They smiled when he let her go, only reluctantly.

Sealed was their happiness when Lucanus and Theophilus, arrived, back from Macedonia. They would be leaving that very day for Rome. But he stayed long enough to give his blessing on their union. He had become a follower of the Messias whom Flavius knew, died three years previously.

It was late afternoon, when all the guests had left, that he let Eleni take a nap in the room they were to share. She was tired, and a little overwhelmed. He stayed with her till she fell asleep. Flavius kissed her softly before he left the house and stepped into the courtyard.

There he waited until the early evening, before he heard the clatter of horse's hooves. It had to be Antonius. It was indeed that young rider, who quickly dismounted near the stables and rushed to where Flavius had been waiting for him.

"My lord," he said, holding out his hand carrying the scroll and bowing deeply.

"Antonius, you will be rewarded. Go now, my trusted rider, and rest. I will see you in the morning."

Flavius walked into the library. His heart thudding, he broke the seal of Cateline, and started reading. He almost felt his eyes sting. The news was good. Very good. When he finished, he knew his mission had been accomplished.

Carefully he rolled up the scroll again, and placed it in a rack, with other scrolls. His heart sang now. He thought of his wife, in their bedroom, probably awake and waiting for him...


The room had a warm look about it, illuminated by the soft glow of the lamp standing on a small table next to the large bed.


"Flavius...?" she asked softly. She had been awake. "I thought you..."

"Left? No, I had something I needed to take care of." He looked at her, lying there, breathtakingly beautiful. Didn't she know how beautiful she was? She had taken off her wedding gown, and was now in a long night garment. Of the sheerest soft fabric. Trust his mother!

"I...missed you, Flavius..."

" love, will you trust me?" he asked softly, his fingers gently caressing her upper arm. She had been sitting up, her back against the wall. He was wearing only his simple white tunic now.

I must trust him, she thought. I must.

"Yes..." she whispered, as she felt a tingling sensation, a burn where his fingers touched her arm.

"Then let me do this..." he said softly, as he untied the garment at its neck edge, and slid it gently over her shoulders, very, very slowly. His fingers touched her skin, and it felt hot to him. She gasped slightly, her eyes going wide for a few seconds.

"Do you want me to stop, Eleni...?"

"N-No..." she answered softly, as she freed her arms from the gown, exposing her creamy, rounded firm breasts. She gasped again as she saw him looking at her breasts.

Flavius leaned forward, his face very close to hers. She could feel his hot breath, as he moved her hair away from her neck, and pressed his lips there. Her skin felt warm and soft to his touch. Eleni gasped again as she felt a tremour work its way through her body. Warm and sensual it was. She had never felt this before. Her hand came up and she very tentatively touched his hair. He moaned as he felt her hand on him. She moved her hand away, quickly. He looked up, alarmed.

"Don't be afraid," he whispered hoarsely. His voice sounded so strange to her. But not hurtful. Or angry. She could not say what it was. Perhaps it was good, she thought as she touched his cheek, his hand coming up to cover hers.

"I love you, Eleni," he said again.

"Yes..." came her answer, and she could hear the same sound in her own voice. That of wanting this feeling to last forever. She closed her eyes as she felt his hand touch her breast. His fingers gently caressing the swell, before it rested on her nipple. There was a look of surprise on her face as she saw the nipple hardening, becoming erect and pert. She felt again, as when he kissed her, the ripple of pleasure bursting through her, moving down, down to her very core. She became wet in her centre. And frowned. It was strange. Her body was doing things now she could not control. Her eyes became fevered, yet questioning. She could almost feel the juices flowing as Flavius' hand touched only her breasts.

Flavius watched the play of emotions on Eleni's face as he teased her nipples. Her lips parted and her breathing became shallow and ragged.

"Do you like this, Eleni. That I do this?" he asked as he gently rubbed her nipples between thumb and forefinger.

"Yes..." she gasped. "It feels...pleasurable."

She gave a short cry as she felt Flavius capture one nipple in his mouth. He flicked the tip with his tongue, so that she pressed herself against him. He groaned at this sign of acquiescence from her. She gave little cries of delight as he started sucking, first on the one, then turned his attention to the other nipple, taking the whole pink aureole in his mouth. He removed his mouth from her. Her eyes flew open as he released her. She felt suddenly bereft.

It seemed she didn't want him to stop.

"I - " she wanted to speak, then said shyly, "again... please."

With a soft sigh, Flavius buried his face in her bosom, her hands came up and covered his head. "I love you, Flavius," she panted raggedly as he gently pressed her back so she was lying down. He slowly slipped the gown all the way down her body, gasping at the soft yet firm skin he exposed, as she lay now naked before his eyes.

It seemed to him that every touch caused her to gasp or cry softly, in surprise, her eyes widening every time his lips moved over her skin. She trembled at his touches, but he could see it did not alarm her as it did earlier.

"Feel my hands on you, Eleni," he whispered as his hands caressed her soft skin, over her breasts, her stomach, his mouth pressing against her navel. She stiffened only slightly when his fingers slid smoothly over her thighs, up and down, until she relaxed again. Then his thumb pressed gently against her inner thigh, sliding up slowly, until it reached her centre. She felt herself parting her legs for him, and wanted to beg his touches there. He looked at the soft, downy curls that were already damp with her juices.

His finger moved over her soft centre, gently parting her folds. She cried out, as her body was swamped with such a stab of electric impulses. A fine film of sweat now covered her body.

"Flavius..." came her gasp.

"Does it hurt, Eleni, my love?" he asked softly, his voice hoarse and full of passion.


He pressed his finger gently into her slit, felt the slick wetness, her sheath involuntarily squeezing around his finger. He closed his eyes at this feeling. Removing his finger, her looked at her face. Her lips were parted, her face flushed with desire. She opened her eyes.

"Here, feel, Eleni, as he guided her hand to her centre, and pressed her own fingers against her warm slit, the forefinger just inside her sheath. Eleni felt how wet she was. Dripping. It was strange, and she looked at him, a question in her eyes.

"It means you are ready, Eleni."

"Yes..." she said softly.

Flavius watched her as he lay next to her, and let his fingers caress her. He parted her folds again, and pushed the skin away from the very core of her centre. She could feel a throbbing there, and pushed her hips against his hands. His fingers squeezed the little nub, then rubbed it in circular motions.

She gasped loudly then as she felt her body catapulting into a series of waves, each one building upon the other, higher and higher she went. There were tears in her eyes she was unable to stop as her body raged out of control against Flavius' hands, as he thrust in her, her heart thudding loudly. Her centre throbbing and pulsing and spilling juices so liberally into his hands.

"Flavius - !!" she gasped his name.

"Yesss!!! Eleni, now!" he coaxed her as every muscle in her body tensed, raising her high off the bed, her hips bucking against his hand. Somewhere behind her closed eyelids exploded a thousand blinding flashes as she careened into a vortex of sharp sensations. Wave upon wave of ecstasy pulsing through her as she thundered over the edge. She screamed his name as she spent herself against his hand. Her mouth was open as she spiraled into dizzying circles of pleasure.


It was a long, long moment before she opened her eyes to look at him. There was wonderment in her face. Flavius saw there the wonder as her eyes filled with tears. He leaned forward and kissed away her tears.

"Did it hurt, Eleni?"

"You - you gave me pleasure, Flavius," she said, her voice filled with such awe as he had never seen. She looked at him now, with so much love in her eyes. She experienced such desire and pleasure, and yet, all Flavius did, was kiss her with his mouth and hands...

"There is more, Eleni..." he said as he parted her legs. He quickly removed his own tunic and loincloth.

"Touch me, Eleni," he whispered. "Feel what you do to me..." he said as he guided her hands to his swollen member. Her hands held him, and she could feel him throbbing. She gasped as she heard his deep groan when she gently massaged his shaft. Then she let go.

"No...don't, feels good..." he whispered hoarsely, as he touched her centre again, felt it awash with her slick juices.

He held his member and pressed the tip against centre, and rubbed it against her. He pressed his tip just a little into her slit, and felt the pulsing there. Throbbing wildly, her whole centre now wet, and very swollen. She started giving little moans of pleasure as she felt the waves building in her again. Her eyes were fevered as she raised her hips, just wanting him to go right inside her. His manhood felt hot, and throbbing, her own slit and soft folds, the little pink nub, the core of her being it seemed, throbbed in answer.

"I love you Flavius," she cried brokenly, tears spilling from her as he entered her slowly, her sheath muscles stretching to accommodate his thickness.

"I will not hurt you, Eleni," he cried himself as he filled her slowly, until he was deep inside her. Deep. He lay over her, his weight on his elbows as they dug into the soft mattress. His hands were laced in her hair, his face above her own. He waited until her body relaxed, comfortable with his size now. Still he waited, looking at her flushed face. His own body held in such control, but he knew, he wanted to pleasure her in these moments. Wanted to make her feel his love for her, that making love and being intimate could be giving of complete pleasure.

He bent his head, kissed and nipped her ear lobe. She was panting as she felt the desire rushing through her body. She wanted him to move in her, to feel that intense sensation again. It was good, so good, so wonderful, it did not hurt her. She thought in wonder. It did not hurt! So naturally, she was not even aware of it, she moved her hips against him, as she felt him move into her at last. Her hands were on his back, caressing, touching, she kissed him, almost shy taking the initiative. His mouth opened under hers as he thrust into her, evenly, slowly until he could feel her answering his rhythm. Then his movements became faster, watching her all the time, for the first sign of distress. But Eleni was wonderful, moving with him, under him as he started to pound more boldly into her.

Eleni didn't want him to stop. She moved furiously against him, overcome with the new sensations Flavius was creating in her. She heard him grunt as he pushed harder, her fingernails digging into his flesh as she felt again the waves rolling through her body as Flavius took her all the way to the most incredible heights. Her mouth open, and grunting almost as loud as he, their movements became synchronised, as they danced to their next most explosive and blinding climax. She lost all thought, intent only on feeding this new and almost terrifyingly erotic sensation of their lovemaking. For long, long minutes they just moved, she giving, and he, giving in equal measure.

She screamed his name over and over as he took her home.

For a few moments after they exploded into a new vortex, only the ragged breathing could be heard as Flavius collapsed on top of her, his body sweating profusely. His hair was plastered against his skin. His eyes warm and loving as he at last raised his head to look at her.

"You...gave me pleasure, Flavius Tomas. I love you..." she said, her eyes full of tears. "I - I am not afraid...anymore..." Then her eyes widened in surprise as she felt him still in her, and his member becoming very hard again.

"I want you, Eleni," Flavius said as he started moving in her. and her legs curled naturally high around his waist, so that he penetrated her deeply. And very quickly he brought her to the edge again.

"I love you..." he said later, as he lay with her, now snugly in his arms, her face in his neck, and his hand caressing her hair.


It was sometime during the night that he woke slowly to the most sensual sensation. He was instantly awake as he felt Eleni's mouth on his nipple, easing and nipping, biting...bringing it to an almost painful erection.


"Shhh...let me give you pleasure, Flavius," she said boldly.

"Eleni, my you know what - "

" love..."

That was when Flavius gave in. His body sang as she trailed her hot mouth all over him....Her hand covered his manhood and she gently moved and stroked and massaged.

"You are bold, Eleni... Love me..." He pulled her on top of him, and Eleni exalted in her new found power. She positioned herself over his hard shaft and gently sank down on him, causing him to groan with ecstatic sounds as he murmured her name over and over. When she moved, he held her hips and helped her by plunging her deep onto him. Keeping up the rhythm until he burst into his release, spilling his seed into her.

There was a smile on her face as she watched how his own face contorted the way his body tensed into his peak. She remained lying like that over him, feeling how his heart thudded loudly. She had not known she could do this to him. When she kissed him, he opened his mouth and probed with his tongue deep inside her, his hands on her buttocks, kneading them gently, and pushing his hips into her.

Several times during that night Flavius claimed her body, and took her to the heights. They slept little, then woke and started all over again. Eleni was learning fast, too fast, Flavius thought as he consummated their union over and over in the night. Until at length, they fell into an exhausted sleep. Happy. Deliriously happy.


The bright sunlight streamed into the room through the open window. Already the servants of the house were up and going about their duties. It was to be another very hot day as Eleni woke slowly to the sounds of the birds, the animals behind the house, the cackling of the hens and their chicks.

She smiled as she felt the weight of a heavy hand over her waist, cupping her breast. It was deliciously warm and languorous. She looked beside her, watched Flavius in repose. He was lying on his side now, his face turned to her.

She looked long at her husband, and thought of their night of love. He never hurt her. Not once. And the few times that he became a little rough, she knew even then, it was an act of love. Her body sang to his touches. She had never known she could respond like that and that she could participate in the act of their lovemaking. It was a new and exciting revelation for her. Always, always, she thought that when she had been used so by other masters, that her only function was to lie still and receive their punishing act of taking her body, to release themselves in her, with no thought of who she was, or any thought of consideration. She was after all, their slave.

But now...

Flavius taught her in this night, that when their bodies joined, it was an act of giving and receiving. Of making love with her, of knowing her. Her body had thrilled to these new feelings he evoked in her. She could participate, and be his master. He told her many times during the night of her power over him... And she rejoiced. She rejoiced, moreover that he never made her do things she did not want to, or was not ready for yet. Yes, she thought, her new husband was a generous man, a considerate and gentle lover, who would teach her, and take her to new and other unimaginable heights. But there was their whole life together to explore that, and for her to explore her new and exciting sexuality.

"You are deep in thought, my love," she heard Flavius say.

She looked at him, all her love in her eyes as she said: "I was thinking of you..."

Her hands went over his back, caressing him while he watched her with an indulgent look in his eyes, until he heard her exclaim, quite loud and in alarm.

"What is it, Eleni?" he asked, sitting up suddenly, and taking her in his arms.

She trembled a little, then looked at him, her hands still tracing the planes of his back.

She turned him so she could see his back, which was full of long, red weals. Her fingernails...she knew.

"I did that?" she asked, a little shocked.

"You did that, my love. It is fine. You can do that every time when we make love Eleni..." he said as he looked as her now, his eyes smouldering all over again. Her drew her in his embrace, pressed her down on the mattress and made love to her again, so sweetly, she cried all the time.

It was almost midday when they woke again, to a gentle knock at the entrance of the room. It was the young housekeeper, with a message that food had been prepared for them.



"Hmmm..." she mumbled as she delicately peeled a fig, and bit into the red centre of it. He watched her, as he watched everything she did.

"There is something I want to show you, as soon as we've done here..."

She looked at him. He surprised her. She was beginning to get used to that. Her eyes flashed appreciation, excitement.


"In the library..."

"You got me an account of Cicero's letters to Caesar?"


"Then - "

"Soon, my love."

She was dying to know, as he looked at he anticipation in her face. But they needed sustenance. She looked beautiful. Her eyes were shining, very soon the scars on her forehead would be gone. Her hair, cut shoulder length when he found her, had now grown longer, to just hanging on her shoulder blades. She was going to grow it even longer, he knew.

"I want my hair to be all over us when we make love," she told him.

"Anything for you, my love," he assured her.


They stood in the library, his arms resting comfortably round her waist. He took the scroll from its bracket, and handed it to her.

"For you. Open it, love."

With trembling fingers she opened the scroll, and read, hot tears falling as her eyes scanned the page.

"To our dearest daughter Eleni,

When you read this, you will be married to the man who bought our freedom. Flavius Tomas Parisius is a kind and generous man. We know now that you have at last found your Hermes, as I always prayed. We will proceed from here, in Sicilia to Alexandria, where Flavius has prepared a house for us to live in. You will also leave for Alexandria, we believe. Therefore, until we meet again, may the gods be with you and your husband.

Your loving mother Pennina and father

Sylvanus of Crete.


Eleni looked at Flavius, her eyes swimming with tears, then on a sob, she sank down on her knees, and clasped his legs. He immediately pulled her up, and held her very, very close. Her body shuddering until the crying stopped.

His hand was on her hair, caressing it gently, while he stared out the distance through the window opening. This woman in his arms, he would love to his dying day.

"I love you, Eleni of Crete," he whispered into her hair.


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Star Trek: Voyager, Captain Janeway, Chakotay, Paris, Torres, the EMH, and other characters of the series, etc. are the property of Paramount Pictures. Other characters created by the author, will remain the author's property. All photos/images are copyright of Paramount Pictures, 1998, 1999, No infringement upon their trademarks or copyrights were intended. All stories are my own property, that Paramount or anyone else doesn't own. The stories and displaying of pics are intended for entertaining purposes only and not for any financial gain.

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