Millennium Machine started in the summer of 1998, when a group of enterprising, dancehall-fanatical cousins opened a night club (the Spot, in Upper Marlboro, MD) and began buying and spinning records to entertain their patrons. The club's and group's popularity quickly grew, as people from all over the DC area began packing the night club every Friday and Saturday in anticipation of the usual heart-pounding, scintillating dancehall tunes being spun along with new and vintage conscious/cultutal lyrics, and sharp, witty commentary. The group slowly began to expand the sound, in reponse to popular demand for their entertaining, hyped style of playing, and a call for a local-grown sound of the same flavor that (unlike the existing DC-area sounds) could represent DC in the national and international arenas.
Before long, Millennium (also known as the "Hype Machine") had amassed a large local fan base, and a formidable arsenal of dubs and specials from all of the major dancehall reggae artists, including a collection of vintage classics that remains unmatched by any other 90s-born sound. Most of the tunes were cut with a sharp edge, and represented, in many people's minds, the most powerful clashing and juggling dub-box in the history of DC-area sounds. By the end of 1998, Millennium became branded as the sound to beat in Washington, and began taking bookings to play in other parts of the country.
As the sound's dub box and notoriety grew to the point where it was common to hear that "Millennium have di most tune a Washington," some critics maintained that the sound needed additional and more seasoned selectors if it wanted to maintain its title as DC's Numer One. Stan, the main selector, was relatively new to the sound business, and while Spanna, the DJ, had years of experience selecting for Heatwave and other sounds in the early 90s, many thought the sound needed some more recently developed talent. In addition, the sound needed to establish a presence in Jamaica in order to rise to the top of the sound business.
Enter the venerable, popular, charismatic, and talented Boxer, with many years of experience playing for Travelers and African Star (which flopped after he left), and in popular demand by many sounds at the time. Recruiting Boxer to the Millennium Family was easy, as he was quickly impressed with the friendly, down-to-earth, familial attitude of the group, and the size, diversity and quality of the tunes they possessed. He joined the sound after spending one weekend with the group, and set out on a long journey to take Millennium to the top of the sound charts in Jamaica.
Under Boxer's supervision, the sound was duplicated in Jamaica, as it was thought that it had to prove its worth on the rock before it could be taken seriously any where else. In Jamaica, Boxer recruited some new, very talented selectors and DJs -- Wingy Trooper, Scanner, Nash and Nico -- to the Millennium Family. These guys added a raw, unmatched edge to the sound, and were soon in popular demand by both uptown and downtown fans. In no time the sound was being booked almost every weekend, and (particularly after creating waves that are still being felt at the JC After-Champs Fette) is currently considered to be one of the top uptown sounds. The sound juggles regularly with Adonia, Swatch and other popular JA sounds, and is beginning to build its own system.
Simultaneously in the U.S., Stan and Spanna have developed their own style and experience alongside Boxer, and have stalwarthly moved the sound to a higher demension, creating a hype and a following wherever they go. In the summer of 1999, the group introduced its brand new, high fidelity sound system to the Washington area. The U.S. version of the sound is booked regularly all over the country and in other parts of the world, including Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Atlanta, Miami, Bermuda, Canada and elsewhere. Sometimes the nascent sound visits a city for the first time and is not greeted by a packed audience, but word-of-mouth spreads quickly, and on subsequent visits there is usually no standing room!
The sound plans to continue its journey to become one of the top sounds in the industry by expanding and maintaining its noteworthy collection of new and vintage dubplates, and perfecting the art of killing sounds and juggling for the ladies in the same night. Don't miss Millennium, in a town near you .