
Before continuing, be aware that all of my output the past three or more years has been slash. The definition of slash is male/male erotica or at least implies a relationship between two men (in this case because I don't write femslash). If you don't like that sort of thing then you'd better find another website to play in. Or you can take your chances and hope you can locate my gen and hetfic (I'll work on labelling it better), all of which is located on He's A Rebel -- my Gilesfic page. Or if you want to open your eyes and your mind to a whole new world please go ahead and sample the slashiness.

All stories on this site written and copyrighted by Jae Kayelle.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Pirates. Curses. Gorgeous men. Sparrington.


Mal, Simon, and Jayne. Lust in space!

Stargate SG-1

Jack and Daniel. Friends and lovers.

West Wing

I Luv Sam and Josh.


Mostly Clayton Webb/Harmon Rabb with some AJ Chegwidden/Rabb and AJ/Webb stories for variety. ;-)

Hodge Podge

Harry and Dan, and Gilligan. More players to be named later. Maybe.

Queer As Folk

This link will take you to my UK QAF site.


Mostly Angel and Giles. Even though I'm no longer writing them, I still adore this unpopular pairing. Also, Angel with Wes and a threesome for variety.

He's A Rebel

My Gilesfic. The Buffster is in there, but the focus is on her Watcher who got cozy with nearly everyone who ever appeared on the show. Giles was never a shy boy. There's some genfic for those who don't care for slash or het smut.

Watching Wesley

Wesley has his own page of stories devoted to him.

Saint and Sinner

Giles and Angel -- together again.

If you like any of my fic please send feedback to: write to sell at sasktel dot net

DISCLAIMER: All stories linked on this page are works of fiction. The characters are owned by 20th Century Fox and WB. Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Belisarius Productions, Paramount and CBS, Aaron Sorkin, NBC, and John Wells Productions, Showtime/ Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions, copyright holders of Night Court and Gilligan's Island. No profit is being made from use of the characters and titles. No copyright violations are intended.
