Memoirs, Book I, of Derek Walker, Ph. D.,

Professor of Linguistic Archaeology

(c) DELTA POINT, 1996




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"The year 1999, seventh month,

From the sky will come a great King of Terror:

To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,

Before and after Mars to reign by good luck."

Many have interpreted these well-known words for our age from the medieval seer Nostradamus (Century X, Quatrain 72) to mean that a giant meteor would crash into the earth. They imagined this global catastrophe would cause a great world war. The "truth" of this event is actually quite different, but precisely fulfills Nostradamus' famous prophecy.

The strange Memoirs of Derek Walker, Professor of Linguistic Archaeology, begin with Solomon's Treasure, an illumination of the ancient mystery that lurks behind this ominous oracle of Nostradamus. The works of the authors and scholars mentioned or quoted by Walker in the Memoirs and bibliography are available in libraries and bookstores if you care to look them up. Dr. Walker has based many of his fictional characters on actual people, and he apologizes if they find themselves portrayed not exactly as they see themselves in their "real" lives. He is grateful for everything they taught him. Walker casts his Memoir as a fantasy, but behind it is an epic global drama with remarkable players and roots deep in a forgotten past. This drama is shaping our present age in spite of the unwillingness of most people to confront it directly. How you interpret the Memoirs is up to you. But here they are.

Walker's shocking tale of discovery can help you understand some of the things you read in the news that do not seem to make sense. (What's "really" going on in Chechnya, Afghanistan, and Xinjiang, or between Israel and the PLO?) You will confront strange customs and aspects of history that you were never taught in school or in Sunday school. It may terrify you. It may outrage you. It may confuse you. Be forewarned! This novel steps beyond the bounds of deep taboos that we cling to even in an age of rampant sex, violence, social and technological change. If you think you can't handle it, then the choice is simple.


You will travel through time and space in ways you never imagined. You will unlock secret doors long submerged deep within your own consciousness. What you see behind them may horrify you, or have you rolling on the floor with laughter, or gaping in amazement, or shaking your head in disbelief. But if you read with an open and clear mind, and then act with your intuition as your guide, you are guaranteed to find your experience of life radically altered. Behind the fiction is a real life adventure in which you can participate. How the adventure turns out is up to you, too.

Dr. Walker entrusted the following Memoirs to me a year ago, and told me that I should do what I liked with them, and, at the right time, he would send more packets of material to me. Since that time I have heard nothing from him and have no idea where he is. But I felt the materials he gave me worthy of discussion, so I am posting them on this web site for anyone who is interested to peruse. I have scanned in some charts, sketches, and illustrations that he included in his notes and tidied them up a bit to help the reader follow some of the more technical details. But the reader should understand that these are really in the nature of field notes, and not polished scholarly data.

Click on Chapter Titles below to enter the Memoirs.

(When you visit charts and sketches, use the Back Arrow in your browser to return to the exact point where you left in the text.)

Chapter 1: The Khepera Amulet

Chapter 2: The Queen of My Castle

Chapter 3: The World from My Library Office

Chapter 4: The Sixth Commandment

Chapter 5: The Urim, The Thummim, and the Breastplate of Aaron

Chapter 6: The Tablet of Moses

Chapter 7: The Code of the Hebrew Nomads

Chapter 8: The Offspring of Noah

Chapter 9: The Tower of Babel

Chapter 10: The Kabbalah Connection

Chapter 11: The Torah and the Tarot

Chapter 12: The Ancient Father and the Watchers of Ur

Chapter 13: The Merkaba

Chapter 14: The Scroll of Thoth

Chapter 15: The Secret Adventures of Pious Aeneas

Chapter 16:The Forbidden Apple and the Golden Apple

Chapter 17: The Trouble with Time

Chapter 18: The Mystery of the Bees and the Bull

Chapter 19: The 'True' Story of Creation

Chapter 20: The Quest for David

Chapter 21: The Door to the Garden

Chapter 22: Solomon's Treasure


Bibliography of Source Materials and Further Readings

We welcome comments and suggestions, which we will also pass on to Professor Walker, should he contact us in the future: