Chapter 18: The Mystery of the Bees and the Bull

(Strength, Yod)


"But thou canst not see Me

With this same eye of thine own;

I give thee a supernatural eye;

Behold My mystic power as God!


"Of a thousand suns in the sky

If suddenly should burst forth

The light, it would be like

Unto the light of that exalted one.


"With many arms, bellies, mouths, and eyes,

I see Thee, infinite in form on all sides;

No end nor middle nor yet beginning of Thee

Do I see, O All-God, All-formed!


"With diadem, club, and disc,

A mass of radiance, glowing on all sides,

I see Thee, hard to look at, on every side

With the glowing of flaming fire and sun, immeasurable.


"For this region between heaven and earth

Is pervaded by Thee alone, and all the directions;

Seeing this Thy wondrous, terrible form,

The triple world trembles, O exalted one!


"I am Time, cause of destruction of the worlds, matured

And set out to gather in the worlds here.

Even without thee, all shall cease to exist,

The warriors that were drawn up in the opposing ranks."

 ". . . . In the middle of this place was a large oak-tree, and, from the top of the tree, there came a loud buzzing-noise . . . . 'That buzzing noise means something. . . . If there's a buzzing-noise, somebody's making a buzzing-noise, and the only reason for making a buzzing-noise that I know of is because you're a bee. . . . And the only reason for being a bee that I know of is making honey. . . . And the only reason for making honey is so as I can eat it.' 

. . . . 'Isn't it funny

how a bear likes honey

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

I wonder why he does?

. . . .

'It's a very funny thought that, if Bears were Bees,

They'd build their nests at the bottom of trees.

And that being so (if the Bees were Bears),

We shouldn't have to climb up all these stairs.'"

". . . . The blood of slaughtered bullocks oft has borne bees from corruption. . . ."

". . . . Through the oxen's flesh, waxed soft in dissolution, hark! there hum bees from the belly; the rent ribs overboil! In endless clouds they spread them, till at last on yon treetop together fused they cling, and drop their cluster from the bending boughs."

"And, behold, a young lion roared against him. And the spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and he rent him as one would have rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand; but he told not his father or his mother what he had done. And he went down, and talked with the woman; and she pleased Samson well. And after a while he returned to take her, and he turned aside to see the carcass of the lion; and, behold, there was a swarm of bees in the body of the lion, and honey. And he scraped it out into his hands, and went on, eating as he went, and he came to his father and mother, and gave unto them, and they did eat; but he told them not that he had scraped the honey out of the body of the lion. . . . And Samson said unto them: 'Let me now put forth a riddle unto you . . . .' And he said unto them:

'Out of the eater came forth food,

And out of the strong came forth sweetness.


What is sweeter than honey?

And what is stronger than a lion?'"


B&D/S&M skills are cumulative.

We continued drilling until we could all clear the max with eyes open, and then blindfolded, and then in various VR modes. Once we were clear as masters in charge of the joystick, we turned the stick over to a partner who played the discipline master and we took turns checking each other out as victim or slave. Then we began to play with the fetishes, exploring the bondage scenarios and the cul d'or (cult of spanking.) The whole group bestowed a negative hirsute job on Noah. One at a time we thoroughly stripped the lady slaves and trussed them up, and then one dominator would work the joystick while another would begin tickling, then licking, then fondling, then masturbating, and finally thoroughly fucking her. Then the ladies turned the tables and as dominatrixes would bind us and tease us till we were hot to cum and then push the joystick to the max.

Eventually we were totally clear on pain and pleasure and completely at home in each other's company as friend or foe, lover or torturer.

Next we immersed ourselves in the deprivation tank until the voices in our heads grew silent.

We all felt intuitively that the time for our journey was near. Phyllo summoned us to the marker board to brief us on things we needed to know for our trip. He drew a large circle with a dot in the center.

"This," he explained, "is the simplest structure. From the ancient days of human civilization a few people here and there had seen or even experienced the Zeta flying craft, the simplest form of which is a disk-shaped Merkaba with a bubble canopy in the center. The geometry of a circle in two dimensions and a sphere in three dimensions, or a sine wave when expressed as an oscillation tells the whole story of physics.

"About 6000 years ago the Zeta parents as part of their participation in the primate upliftment program for Earth taught the Vedic humans a simple mnemonic for all the basic laws of physics. Because of the superstitious minds of the people, the Zetas couched the teaching in the iconography of an all-powerful deity named Vishnu, who has the ability to move at will through time and space. With his three steps Vishnu passes through the three densities of physical space, and his fourth density nature is Time, the cosmic power to consume all creations. In the myth of this icon," Phyllo said, "the basic principles of relativity and quantum mechanics were demonstrated for those who could understand and make use of them. Vishnu holds in his hands and wears on his head the various symbols of the circle power. The energy of that power transmutes into different forces by a shift of viewpoint from one aspect of the circle to another."

Phyllo gestured with the marker to demonstrate the mechanical advantage of the lever embodied in the club. "This defines the circle by means of a radius with one end fixed, swinging to describe an arc. The mechanical energy of massive systems resides in the amplitude. A single blow with a giant club packs more energy than many gentle pats. This is the massive nature of earth energy, which ultimately comes from the strong force that binds atomic nuclei together to form apparently 'solid' mechanical structures. Mechanical energy and atomic strong force only act over very short distances, and are mediated by clumping.

"When we shift our attention to the electromagnetic photon energy exchange between electrons, the energy depends on the frequency. A high frequency X-ray wave is more powerful than a low frequency infrared wave. The electromagnetic spectrum is bright fire energy. It moves at the speed of light and sets the boundary conditions for mechanical motions. Vishnu symbolizes frequency by his spinning discus that emits brilliant lights. This defines the circle by means of a revolving circumference.

"Vishnu wears a diadem, which is a crown adorned with various jewels. This represents the weak force by which matter decays, diffusing into space. The diadem defines the circle in terms of phase. Phase means relationship. That means locating the circle in a context by means of one or more reference points. The diadem is an array of jewels set in relation to each other. The crown that sits on Vishnu's head unifies them. This tells us the secret of phase waves.

"Your scientists recognize that energy is information. Think of a message. The code consists of modulations, and it takes energy to modulate something. A relationship just sits there and does not modulate. The energy of the physical system is attenuated in space, all spread out and diluted, diffuse particles like the element air. Therefore your scientists fail to recognize how to shift attention so as to discover the energy latent in phase waves, and so they dismiss them as useless for communication.

"The secret of the phase wave is that it is modulated by consciousness, by the intention and awareness of the observer. That is why the act of observing a quantum event collapses the wave function into a particle configuration. There is the act of observation and also the viewpoint or interpretation of the event. For example, the jewels on a crown are just an array of stones to one person. To another they represent the power and all-embracing responsibility of a king. To you, Miss Rivah, the hex star may call to mind your Jewish heritage. To us it defines the geometric principles of our space craft technology. To someone else it may suggest snowflakes. In any case, the observer perceives the pattern, the expression of phase relations, and, based on his interpretation, he derives inspiration. Inspiration of consciousness is the kind of energy modulated by phase waves.

"Quiescent inspiration always resides in an unmanifest state, like the potential mechanical energy of a ball at the top of a hill or a cocked trigger, but it is all diffuse. When the attention shifts to inspiration, awareness expands from focussing on one fixed object to embracing an array, a totality of relationships. Your scientists reject phase waves as lacking in information, and yet they write all their scientific papers using an alphabet, an array of phase waves that just sits on a piece of paper. They are phase waves because the information does not reside in single letters but only in the pattern of their combinations. The scientists assume that someone actually reads those papers and understands what they are talking about. That is inconsistent with their beliefs that phase waves can not transfer energy, for understanding of a written or spoken text creates a significant modulation of consciousness. Is that not a transfer of energy?"

Noah commented at this point. "Most of us recognize the scepter, the royal orb, and the crown as basic power accessories. But Vishnu has four hands and a head. His other two hands hold a conch shell and a lotus flower. What do they tell us about physics? Are they also powers?"

"Yes," replied Phyllo. "They represent two other definitions of the circle that complete a description of its unique properties, and of course can be extended to more complex creations as well.

"The conch embodies the spiral. This defines the circle in terms of its center. We spiral inward or outward as we shift our perspective on the circle, and the circle's scale modulates. However, the center always locates the source of the circle. The spiral is a continuum of the family of all circles about a given center, just taking one circumference point to represent each member of the family."

"Huh. It's like a family photo with Dad and then Mom and then all the children arranged in descending order by age and height," commented Rivah.

"Yes," said Phyllo and continued. "The lotus flower is defined creation that grows out of undefined mud, creative power manifesting forms out of unmanifest nothingness. The simplest expression of that is radial design exemplified by the flower growing from a tiny seed. This is the water element. Gravity moves water in tides, gravity moves water to flow and fill the shapes of containers, and water on a seed swells it into a flower. The spiral conch and the radial flower are two viewpoints of the same thing. Also, one is a plant and the other is an animal, so they represent the two complementary life forms. The physical force represented is that of gravity, the tendency of phenomena to gather about a central seed point that contains great inherent energy. This is energy in seed form. Gravity holds the physical universe in coherent order. We are learning more about gravity and have discovered that its source in consciousness is love. The energy by which love operates is appreciation. Attention attracts more attention. Continuous focussed attention, that is fixed attention, generates solid states of matter.

"Hah," I burst out. "'Water the root to enjoy the fruit.' Isn't that what the Maharishi used to tell his followers?"

"Yes," continued Phyllo unperturbed. "It is the path of creation. Simply focus attention from its diffuse state, fixing it on a particular seed structure. Gravity seems heavy and serious, but appreciation discovers lightness inside that concentrated heaviness and opens up a bright and attractive flower that then draws even more attention, and it continues in that way. When you move attention to the Source of Gravity, you find it is completely diffuse and light. If a black hole's mass is large enough, it is not dense at all. The universe is a good example." (I remembered diving deep into the intense burning pain and discovering that when attention totally focussed to a point, the pain impulses were like pin point stars spread out through the infinite cool night sky.)

"OK," I said. "We have a picture of the four forces of physics. But how do we get that picture off the page and fly to Tash Kurghan? And how do we deal with Sabutai and his minions?"

Kara picked up the discussion. "Energy transduction is the key to the operation of our space craft. Transduction is the shifting of energy from one form to another."

She drew a circle on the marker board, marked off three mutually equidistant points on the circumference, and connected them to form an equilateral triangle. Then she marked the center of the circle with a dot and drew straight lines to the vertices of the triangle. This produced the effect of looking down on a tetrahedron in three dimensions. The bottom right vertex she labeled, 'Matter Particles - Strong Force.' The bottom left vertex she marked, 'Light - EM Force.' Above the apex she wrote, 'Wave Function - Coherent Patterns - Weak Force.' Under the center point she wrote, 'Self - Love - Gravity.'

"This schematic drawing of our space craft technology shows the four forces involved. The transducers mediate between the various forces. You can see that there are six mediating transducers, represented in the drawing by the six edges of the tetrahedron connecting the four vertices."

As she spoke she labeled the edges of the drawing. "Between Matter and Light we use inorganic crystal transducers, based on silicon doped with certain rare earth elements. Between Matter and Weak Force Phase Patterns we use carbon-based organic crystals that are essentially biological neural net tissues with fullerene bubble nodes. Between Light and Weak Force Phase Patterns we use correlated observers - that's us. You see, consciousness and the operator of the craft play an important role in the technology. That is why we are briefing you so thoroughly. We must be strongly aligned in order to fly together.

"Gravity is a phenomenon of Self-identity. The transducers of the Self have to do with the function of attention. Between Gravity and Matter the transducer is focussed attention with a background resistance. Between Gravity and Light we use unfocussed attention. This manifests as imagination. Between Gravity and the Weak Phase Interaction we use interpretation. This bridges the gap between meaning and nonsense.

"So there are four lenses: a silicon crystal lens, an organic neural lens, a quantum observer correlation lens, and a trifocal gravity lens, located here, here, here, and here in the center." She drew little circles at the midpoints on the three outer edges and at the center point. "They shift the energy interactions by ninety degrees from one energy dimension to another.

"Remember that the interactions themselves are 'between.' The strong interaction mediates energy at extremely short distances between nucleons. Mechanical vibrations, sounds and other matter waves, are ripples on the surface of a nucleon grid that indicate disturbances deep down in the strong interaction field. This is nuclear resonance. There are no mechanical waves without the presence of nucleon grids, just like there are no waves on the pond without water in the pond.

"Light mediates energy between electrons through 'empty' space. The phase interaction correlates two or more quantum events, mediating through quantum space, which, as Mr. Bohr very correctly has maintained in his Copenhagen Interpretation, is strictly a mental mathematical space, as we'll show you in a moment.

"Gravity is funny. It appears to mediate between physical masses at the largest distance scale, the whole universe. But actually it is self-interacting. A graviton is a tiny black hole singularity that self-interacts. Like its bright cousin, the massless photon, it is its own antiparticle. The graviton is a viewpoint that can only move within itself, although, like photon bubbles and other particle-antiparticle virtual bubbles, it can create virtual interactions with itself that create bubbles of space-time.

"So the source of the Matter Force is at the core of the Matter grid, the Strong Force nuclear bosons, but it dances as waves on the grid. Electricity dances just above its surface, on the electrons, illuminating the matter grid. The source of the Electric Force is in electrons, but it dances as light in the space between the electrons. The source of the Weak Force is in the quantum wave function that fills the space between particles, but it dances in the observer's consciousness as he collapses the wave function into scattering particles to see the illuminated matter. The source of Gravity is in the observer himself, his viewpoint, that dances in the observations he makes to gather experiences as an observer. The graviton attracts mass-energy, photons, and matter. The anti-graviton attracts ideas and intelligence. One integrates mass, and the other integrates consciousness. The graviton is its own antiparticle, but appears different according to its function, just like the retarded physical photon and the advanced attention anti-photon.

"To create solid Matter states and matter waves, use Gravity. Gravity is focussed attention. Simply hold it somewhere. To create diffuse phase relationships, create abstract ideas, meanings, and patterns. This is like your child game of connecting the dots. Connect the diffused particles or viewpoints into patterns. For imagination you must release fixed attention and create space for inspiration. It is like spiraling in or out. To create light, spin. To create gravity, take a viewpoint, establish a fulcrum, a fixed base of operation, an identity."

At this point Phyllo took over. "You know how an optical lens effortlessly bends light rays. We use spherical lenses. First let me show you a simple optical effect."

He placed the marker board flat on the floor, redrawing Kara's basic sketch of a triangle in a circle with a diameter of about two inches. Then he went to a cabinet and produced a clear crystal ball about four inches in diameter. He placed the sphere right over the drawing and motioned for us to gather around and look at the diagram through the crystal.

There was a triangle in a circle, magnified quite a bit. "Now take turns standing right above, and watch the image as you lift the ball off the page," he said. I went first. As I slowly lifted the ball, the image rapidly expanded, and then totally exploded out of the sphere and disappeared. Simultaneously it began to implode. As I continued upward, the image reformed, but was upside down.

"The flashes that you see when the image explodes are the phase waves rearranging themselves, accelerating the data to infinity, which is at the equator of the sphere. Then the tiny waves curve around and swing back into a phase relationship as if they are on the opposite side of the sphere, reassembling as an inverted image.

"Each of the four lenses in our craft is spherical and works analogous to this. However, instead of operating on light images, we operate on force conversion. For example, the inorganic silicon crystal converts between mass and energy; what you call cold fusion is a derivative, and piezoelectric effects are superficial applications of this technology.

"The organic crystal converts matter into patterns of order or patterns of order into matter. It is made of a fractal matrix of nanocolloidal Fullerene suspended in a watery gel. The quantum observer correlation lens converts group alignment into shared realities and shared realities into consensus. It is a spherical plasma quantum space contained in a quasi-magnetic jitterbug tokamak. The gravity lens converts viewpoints, subject-to-object, object-to-subject. It is a tiny black hole sustained by the attention of the crew. As your interesting human, Mr. Harry Palmer points out, 'it is not so much what you are viewing, it's what you are viewing as.' That is your viewpoint as an identity.

"Another aspect of this technology is that when you adjust the lens sphere, you gently draw it away from the target image. This is counter-intuitive. The sensible way would seem to be to approach the target. Instead we draw back and create a space in which the target can change with minimum interference. We reorganize the here and now to reflect our desired reality. It is not a matter of going somewhere."

"If that is so," I asked, "then why did the Zetas have to come here and do all the experiments to create hybrids with humans instead of simply rearranging themselves the way they wanted?"

"That is your experience of the reality," replied Phyllo. "Remember that Zetas move freely in time and space. Zeta reality is created just as Zetas desire it, including embodying as hybrid forms such as Kara and myself. Zetas chose to create a form of self with certain components apparently missing, but actually projected externally in time-space in the form of other beings - as an exploration. That should give you some insights."

"And why not just create the reality of the solution of the IT problem instead of going to all the trouble of struggling with Sabutai?"

Phyllo replied with a question. "Let me ask you instead why it is that in your romantic novels and movies the heroes always kill so many villains in order to win and survive. Why do you humans see the need for there to be bad people who must die, destroy themselves, be destroyed, or at least go to jail? And in your tragedies the hero always destroys himself through some great flaw in his character."

"I don't know," I acknowledged. "Perhaps we are missing something."

"Let me describe the operation of the organic crystal in a little more detail, and maybe it will help. That is a subtle technology. Each of the lenses represents the typology of a class of intelligent beings. There are silicon beings, such as droids, carbon beings, such as our selves; diffuse quantum space beings, such as the Arcturans, and gravity beings, such as the Mantoids. You operate through organic nervous systems, and that intimacy can lead to missing important details about your own lens that you call the mind. The mind maps the world it sees into orderly patterns of thought, so that we can remember experiences and navigate our way around.

"Your scientists often marvel how it is that the mental world can map the physical world so accurately with mathematical models. The mental mapping device is language. There are two classes of mathematical objects: discrete and predictable objects, such as integers and operators; and continuous, but unpredictable, that is randomly structured objects, such as non-algorithmic real numbers and variables that can be set at whatever value you like. Mathematical expressions are relationships made of combinations of one or another or both of these mental devices.

"The physical world also contains two basic styles of expression: the wave and the particle. This is the quantum mechanical nature of physics. The observer determines the boundary between them. The quantum wave function viewpoint features continuity like the real number continuum, but it is completely predictable. The function generates a pattern that tells us what happens to the system at all points in its time-space evolution. The quantum particles of matter, on the other hand, are discrete, obeying the Pauli exclusion principle that no two particles can be in the same place, but they are completely unpredictable.

"If you fire electrons from a cathode tube through a tiny aperture, you expect to see them all hit the target screen in the same spot. What actually happens is counter-intuitive. They hit randomly all over the screen. But if you shoot enough of them, their trajectories will approximate the pattern of the wave function that describes the quantum system you are using.

"The reason you expect orderliness and predictability from discrete objects is because your discrete mental objects are orderly and predictable. The non-algorithmic parts of the continuum are unknowns, and have to be dealt with indirectly. Real unknowns are scary for humans who are not yet fully awake. That's why many people find philosophical or religious abstraction or social conventions (wave functions) comfortable and reassuring, but the behavior of random matter particles - whether electrons or people - can be upsetting.

"We discovered that there is an organic lens functioning in the humanoid nervous system. Instead of inverting a visual image passing through it, it inverts the property of orderliness. This organic lens forms an important dimensional component in our tetrahedral space craft. With this technology we handle the speed of light so that it works for us rather than as a limitation, empowering us to shift into hyper-space and roam freely in space and time."

Rivah was now playing with the sphere as Phyllo talked. She was holding it over the sketch and suddenly exclaimed, "Hey, this is Hebrew! The sphere is Oayn, the eye, and the triangle is Daleth, the doorway. Together they spell OD, which means eternity. You say this technology gives power over all time and space. Wait a minute!"

She rushed over to her pack and rummaged. A moment later she pulled out the Tarot deck we had bought in Telluride and sorted through it until she found the trump card labeled Strength. She laid it on the horizontal marker board next to the sphere and triangle sketch. Next to it she also placed the Magician card.

"See this," she shouted excitedly. "The lady is holding the lion's mouth with her hands. Over the lady's head floats an infinity sign, just like the Magician. That's a floppy Oayn letter, the Higher Self Eye. Daleth is the letter for woman, the Priestess. Together that spells OD, eternity. Lion is ARYeH in Hebrew. AR is light, the original ur-stuff of the universe. Y is Yod, the letter meaning hand, but it also means an arrow or ray of light. He is the breath. YeH is the short form of God's name. The lion is a symbol for the sun, and its mane represents the light rays. Its name in Hebrew is a code for prana, the Light of God. Ironically, the lion is the totem animal of the Aryan tribes of Persia. That's how the prophet magician Daniel survived in the lion's den of the violent Persians and became a useful advisor to Darius and Cyrus. The sphinx is a lion woman, fusing the two images on the Strength Trump. All through the lion's mane are roses. Also there are flowers in the woman's hair. And there are little dots, probably bees, flying around the flowers. See, the same is true on the Magician card, roses twined around the edges of the card with little bees buzzing around them."

"A woman taming a lion is a real example of power. But what do the bees and flowers have to do with it?" I asked.

Rivah rummaged again, this time in my pack, and pulled out my JPS and thumbed to Judges 14 and 15. "The rose is the shoshanah, the power of Kabbalah, and the gentle power of Christ. Do you remember the story of Samson in the Old Testament? His name in Hebrew, Shimshon, means "Little Shamash' and Shamash is the Sun-God. The word for sun, SheMeSh is one of the derivatives of Shem, the Name of God and Semantics. The sun is the source of all life energy on the planet, which is supplied by its rays of light. When Samson was born, a MaLAK, or angelic messenger, dedicated him to be a NaZYR. The Nazirites were an order of monks who were supposed to gain great spiritual power by castrating themselves, according to the Dark Path, the path of the Temple Prostitute Delilah, 'woman of night.' This was the origin of the name of the place called Nazareth where Jesus grew up."

(I had the image of testicles N cut off by a knife Z bestowing to the hand power YR.)

Rivah continued, "But there is another path, the Path of Light, that follows a form of sexual yoga that goes back to ancient India. The yogis on the Path of Light practice Tantric techniques that give them great physical prowess. Part of the discipline is that they do not cut their hair, since they believe that the hair acts as a kind of capacitor, storing pranic energy. ("Uh-oh," groaned Noah in mock terror.) This is a common belief among yogis in India, too. Some of the Hebrew Nazirs also did not believe in bathing, unlike the Essenes, who had a cleanliness fetish. Some people believe that both the Nazirs and the Essenes influenced the life of Jesus.

"Anyway, Samson was a wild one, a warrior following the path of sexual yoga, and always on the lookout for beautiful partners to practice with. He was so strong that no one could bind him. He was particularly attracted to the Philistines, who ruled over the Hebrews in those days, and he became a real bother to them. Delilah was a Philistine secret agent who posed as Samson's lover, playing with his genitals at night (LYLeH.) She fondled him and gave him blow jobs. She teased him until he revealed the secret of his strength was in his hair, and then took his power from him by cutting off his lion's mane. She conquered his yogic strength with her womanly wiles. Then the Philistines bound him with a chain like Set's Thigh is chained to the Pole Star. In the end Samson got his revenge. He grew his hair back and then grabbed the pillar he was chained to and pulled down Delilah's temple on the heads of the Philistines.

"One day as a youth when Samson was courting his first lover, he encountered a lion in a vineyard. The lion roared at him, and he slew it with his bare hands. Later, on his way to his wedding with the lady, he passed the lion's carcass. When he inspected it, he found that a swarm of bees had made its hive in the lion's carcass, and they were making honey there. He took some of the honey and as a joke made a riddle at the wedding feast: 'Out of the eater came forth food; And out of the strong came forth sweetness.' The expression 'swarm of bees' in the text is ODaT DBhoReYM, which puns as 'infinite speech,' and also puns as 'the letters of speech.' OD means 'eternity' and AUT means 'a letter' in Hebrew. DBR is both bee and speech, from the buzzing of speech and bees, and the honey of communication. The power of the alphabet letters is in their productivity. Like the ten numerical signs, the twenty-two letters, which are also numbers, produce nearly unlimited expressions."

I interrupted: "Oh, I see. D is a triangle, and B is a house. R is power. Bees have the power of triangle houses, because triangles can fill an area with hexagons, the basic honeycomb structure. Many composite materials are built with honeycomb sandwiches for strength. So it must be a stable and strong structure.

"Yes," continued Rivah, "It's the structure of carbon, key to organic molecules. A diamond of pure carbon is hard and strong; graphite, the same carbon rearranged in sliding plates is slick and greasy. The Hebrew for 'honey' is DBhaSh, 'triangle house semen.' Honey is pure life energy power packed into organic molecules. The root DoBh is the word for 'bear,' the lover of honey. That must be a euphemism for the real name of the bear, which was tabooed in many societies.

"The secret code word for all magic formulas is related to this linguistic root. Remember, we always say "ABRACADABRA.' Let me show you the power magic in this word."

She took the marker and wrote out the formula, and then listed several ways of parsing it.

AB RA ki DeBhoReH: 'Father Ra is like the bee.'

AB ReAeH Ki DoBh ReAeH: 'The Father sees like the Bear sees.

AB RA Ki DaBheR A: 'Father Ra seem to be saying 'A.'' (or Aleph, bull.)

ABYR AKAD BRA: 'Apis - the Egyptian Bull God, a great warrior knight in Hebrew - built Akkad, the great fortress city that founded the Semitic empire.'

"AKD is the bull-containing-temple, or bull-like temple. The ancient Semites placed great winged bulls at the gates and walls of their temples and palaces in Akkad and its satellite cities. They were totem animals of their civilization that arose during the Age of Taurus, the sign of the Bull.

ABYR Ki DeBhoReH: 'The Bull resembles the Bee.'

AB RA Ki DoBh RA: 'Father Ra resembles the Bear Ra.'

"ABR can also mean Alpha-Bet Power, that is 'bull-house power,' or 'divine house power,' or 'patriarchal power,' the hallmark of Hebrew civilization.

Here's a great interpretation:

ABR, the alphabet power, Ki, is related to DBR, wedge-form power. The precursor of alphabetic writing was the cuneiform writing of Sumer and Akkad. The cuneus was the triangular wedge shape formed when a stylus was pressed into clay. Writing was a real kind of magic to the ancients.

"ABR is the Hebrew verb meaning 'to fly,' so there is a connection between bulls and flying, which is what bees actually do. ABR K DBR. 'He flies like a bee.'

OBR, an alternate spelling for ABR, gives us the name 'Hebrew.'

OBR AKD BRA: "The Hebrews (or the Patriarch Eber,) created AKKAD.'

"Yet another alternate spelling is OPR. Ophir was a famous source of gold used in building temples and images such as the golden sun bulls that they worshiped. An ophir is both a deer and dust. As A-PR it gives us the Divine Bull, and also means ashes. When the library at Alexandria was sacked and burned, countless Egyptian papyrus scrolls were lost to the world, but when armies burned the Semitic libraries, they simply fired the clay tablets and made them into permanent records.

"In another part of the Bible story of Samson it says he slew a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass. In Hebrew 1000 men is ALePh AYSh, which is a code phrase for ALePh ASh, the Bull-Fire that is the sacrificial fire for Apis. The jawbone is for speech. It's funny that the Hebrew word for a male human - AYSh - sounds like the English word for Ass. I wonder if that's just a coincidence."

"Oh boy," I said, fired up now with my own classical insights. "Now we have bulls in here, and more Egyptian gods related to the sun. We also have lions, and bears, and bees. The bees must be the letters of the alphabet. And they come from the Bull-sun or Lion sun of consciousness, like the sparks from fire. Now that you mention it I remember from my Latin studies, in Virgil's Georgic on apiculture - oh my - bees are kept in an apiary, which is named after the Egyptian Bull-god, Apis! And wasn't the bee the national symbol of Egypt? Virgil tells several times how bees generate spontaneously in the carcasses of ritually slaughtered bulls. The most interesting story deals with a shepherd who has lost his bees. His mother, a water nymph, (Does that make her a gravity being?) sends him to Proteus for help. Now Proteus is a shape-shifting ocean magician like Merlin. (Is he another gravity being?) You may remember how Odysseus wrestles with Proteus in the Odyssey. Odysseus must hang on while Proteus goes through his repertoire of changes. Eventually Proteus agrees to answer Odysseus truthfully. Proteus rewards the tenacious shepherd with the story of Orpheus and Euridice - oh dear, Orph, that's a permute on OPR, isn't it? And Euridice means 'a good joke.' Anyway, Euridice steps on a poisonous snake, is bitten by it, and dies. Grief-stricken, lovelorn Orpheus gets permission to rescue her from Hades.

Rivah muttered, "This sounds like a tangled rehash of the Garden of Eden story combining OD-iN with the Noah-like figure of Utnapishtim, the serpent, and the search for the elixir of life in the Gilgamesh epic."

I continued, "Unfortunately, Orpheus can't resist breaking the rules, and he peeks back at his beloved as she follows him up from Hades. So Euridice, the good joke, falls back into Hell and is lost to him again. Orpheus gets very depressed and wanders about sadly singing and causing all of nature to weep in sympathy until finally the Furies in disgust tear him limb from limb and toss the pieces into the river."

"That sounds like a tangled version of Set dismembering Osiris to feed his river crocs," Rivah cut in again.

"But the disembodied head still moans for Euridice even as it drifts down the river. Now the poor shepherd hears this story and still doesn't get the point of the joke. So his nymph-mother explains that the Dell-nymphs, companions to Euridice, continue to blame Orpheus for the loss of their friend Euridice and the consequent serious demeanor that has descended on the meadows. ("ABR also means 'meadow,'" spliced in Rivah.) The Dell-nymphs put a plague on the bees, those busy meadow workers. So the shepherd finally performs an elaborate ritual sacrifice of bulls to assuage the Dell-nymphs, and after nine days a new crop of bees emerges from the carcasses of the bulls and swarms to the top of a tree.

"The bull with its horn rays is the power of speech to spread ideas, the way the sun spreads its warm life-giving light. Aleph is the first letter, and stands for one, and one thousand, order of magnitude broadcasting. The bees then are the individual phonemes or letters that spell out the text, and the sweet honey is the joy of getting the meaning. The honey comes from the collective operations of the bees, the same way that the pleasure of literary play comes from the collective arrangements of the letters. The funny thing is that the sun bull of pure awareness dies when speech is created by the speaker's judgments. The vibrant wave function collapses into fragmentary phonemes and words. The letters themselves are just sharp little stingers. But together they produce honeyed speech, an artful transformation of the sun's energy, but not the real thing. Speech is just an arbitrary symbol for the real experience.

"This transformation and rebirth theme with bulls and bees reminds me of the little Egyptian artifact that for me started this whole adventure. It was a Khepera scarab dung beetle with a bull's head. Now I get it's meaning. The Khepera is the love awareness from the heart chakra that integrates all the scattered bits of weak force decay into a beautiful expression of art. It is the organic crystal lens that gathers the scattered particles of matter into correlated wave functions, patterns of meaning. The Egyptians wore it like a green lens over their hearts."

Rivah again fingered the cards of Strength and the Magician. "A Mag was a mighty magician in ancient times," she said. "The word is in Semitic and even in Sumerian. The Hungarians called themselves Magyars because they believed they were descended from the ancient Sumerian Mags. These roses on the cards are the shoshanah, the power flower of the Kabbalah, the geometry of the Merkaba, and the generation of the letters: three Mothers, seven Doubles, and twelve Elementals. The three are the knower, known, and process of knowing; the seven are the seven basic chakras and their planets; and the twelve are the twelve houses of the zodiac. The ancient Mags were CaDiQ or 'melchizedek,' which is to say royal astronomers. They built the pyramids and ziggurats as giant gnomons with which to calibrate correctly the cycles of eternal time."

Phyllo spoke. "Good. Now you are ready to understand how we navigate, and then we will go.

"Inscribe a tetrahedron inside a sphere. This is the OD. The circle forms the zodiacal ecliptic. The point of the apex (Is this another bee word?) marks the north pole star, your Polaris. We assign code names to star clusters based on conventional associations, the same way ocean sailors label the constellations. The only difference between a constellation in the sky and a landmark on the earth is density. For example, in the vicinity of planet Earth we use what you call the star cluster at the Earth's North Pole 'Big Dipper.' However, others call it the Great Bear, and the ancient Egyptians drew it as a one-legged bull being speared by Horus with a hippo-woman holding the leg by a chain. They called it the Thigh of Set. Horus cut off Set's testicles, hence the 'thigh,' in their great battle. That part of him was cut away into northern darkness away from the sun. The hippo fat lady is expanded awareness, the exploded image, Arcturus, that keeps track of little bits of the Self that seem to get separated off to the poles of creation. All of your human bull-bear-bee mythology is about quantum mechanics and its application in celestial navigation and space travel. The bees are the particles wandering about among the flowers, and the bull is the quantum wave function. Your alphabet letters are coded from the twelve signs of the zodiac and the wandering planets. They also serve as a chronometer of the aeons."

Noah suddenly broke out into one of his insane laughs, slapping his hairless thigh with his hairless arm, and shaking his hairless head. We all looked at him in astonishment.

When he finally came around enough to speak, he said, "Oh, it's nothing really folks. I just got this funny image of the earth as a balloon with a string going straight up to the bear in the pole star. The zodiac constellations and the planets were all buzzing around it like bees. Then I flipped the picture upside down in my mind's eye and saw Winnie-the-Pooh hanging from the balloon with bees buzzing around him and trying to get some of the honey from the bees nest at the top of the tree."