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Playboy 12/98: David Duchovny
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On this site you can find the interview with David Duchovny that will be in the upcoming (!!!) December issue (1998) of Playboy. Click here to go directly to the complete interview or scroll down to read some quotes and see the pictures that will be placed above these quotes.

1st DD picture Quote 1: "Mulder and Scully have this kind of chaste love affair. I think that's what people really like about it. And we've done it for five years. That's a lot of chastity. People ask me if they are ever going to get it together. I don't think they should.

Quote 2: "When we started we were the only scary show on TV. Now there are a lot of scary shows like 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' and 'Millennium'. I think 'Caroline in the City' is scary. People like to be scared. It's fun TV."

Click here to go to the complete interview.


2nd DD picture

Quote 3: "I think pornography is fine. I like to watch other people fuck. My big porn years were the late Eighties. Alicia Monet was my favorite. If anything good can happen from this interview, it's that Alicia would contact me and we could have lunch."

Quote 4: "Send me whatever you want, I'll wear it. I'm an idiot - I should talk about Tiffany's. Let me give a plug to the Fedural Reserve. My favorite bill is the one hundred."

Click here to go to the complete interview.

3rd DD picture




Click here to go to the complete interview.





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Published by Nick van Thoor: