What's New
(Design Copyright RobinWood 1997,
Used with permission)
14 September 2008
*I did some tweaking eariler this month, but today I added the Care2 banner to the Main page
and the Who's This Witch page.
08 January 2008
*Added a page of some Pagan looking crop circles and some other ones too.
11 Sept. 2006
*Removed the Fort Smith Pagan Events Page but left the store and event locations listings. I've
too much to do lately and there is a better site at Circle of the Great Spirit where you can
find the same, if not more info.
22 June 2006
*Added a LINK to a friends site on the Links page.
*Created an Awards Page for my currently two awards.
02 June 2006
*Oh my how lazy am I!(?) and to get an award *sigh. Thanks Lavenders Links!!!
09 February 2005
*Always working on the Pagan Events page and now I've taken the Out Of State Events
and placed them on their own page.
*Added a Misc. Recipes page.
*Added 2 more links to Free E-book sites on the Books page.
24 December 2004
*Working on a Aromatherapy and mix your own scent page. Have the Essential Oils page
up so far.
More pages to come with that. I updated the FortSmith Pagan Events page today also.
31 July 2004
*Added 1 recipe to the Samhain Recipes page. Created 2 new pages in the BOS: Pagan Songs
and Samhain Crafts and Rituals
16 July 2004
*Started updating the Sabbath pages by adding more info. Will be working on Lughnasadh first.
26 Dec. 2003
*Added a link to the Links page.
26 March 2003
*Always updating the AR Pagan Events page. Join my Yahoo announcment group to recieve notices
of new listings.(You'll find the 'join' link on the Events page.)
29 January 2003
*Think I'm finished changing all the Book Of Shadow pages.
Will be leaving the Stone & Gem page in the old look since they go together.
*Hope to be adding new info to a few of the Sabbat pages soon.
*If ya like the new look or ya just think it's too girly write and tell me.
18 January 2003
*Revamped and added to the Stone/Gem/Metal Magick page. I'm also still
re-working the BOS. (All BOS pages are still available to view.)
25 December 2002
*Working on a new look for the BOS. Started with the Beltane pg. It is deffinately
05 November 2002
*Added a link to the Link page.
*Placed an newspaper article on the Mystical Thoughts page about a Religious
NonViolence conference.
*Added and updated 5 more Stones and Gems to the Stone/Gem/Metal Magick page.
20 October 2002
*HAPPY SAMHAIN!!! Added 5 Samhain events to the Arkansas Area Pagan Events page.
19 October 2002
*After about 5 hrs of HTML coding I am proud to announce the Stone/Gem/Metal Magick page.
*Be sure and check out the Arkansas Area Pagan Events page often for updates. I
sometimes forget to list the updates here. *sorry!*
21 July 2002
*New additions to the Arkansas Pagan Events page.
29 June 2002
*Updated Links page.
*Added how to make a solar wheel to the Litha page.
01 April 2002
*Updated the Links page.
*Gish it's looks as if I've been idle since I've listed nothing new since Dec.
Just updated the Pagan Events page and I've been trying to fix the Guestbook
so it will show the new posts you all have kindly left. I appreciate all the letters also!
Lots of new ideas running around in my head for new pages yet, mundane life does