The Joker terrorizes the city at Christmastime when he begins randomly executing people with a rifle, and no one from the Mayor on down is safe!(GOTHAM CENTRAL #12-15)
This has been the best Joker story in the past several years that I have read. It's classic Joker. Ed and Greg did a great job in writing the Joker. Michael shows the Joker the way he is: insane. Everything that happens was well written and drawn. 5/5

Written by Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo — creators of the groundbreaking TV series The Flash — one of the biggest questions of 2006 is answered: Who will be the new Flash?
Out of all the Bart Allen stories I have read this is the best. Bart is written the way he IS and not as a brainless, stupid character. His feelings about being the Flash shows who he is and he has never believed that the life of the Flash is a crapsmack. A better artist could have been used, but it doesn't hurt the overall story. 5/5

The amazing creative team of Grant Morrison (BATMAN) and Frank Quitely (WE3) create a new vision of the World's First Super-Hero!
Superman is my favorite super-hero. So it's obvious how I feel about this book. I have issue one and I thought it was good. I read the next five issues in this trade and... each issue became less than the one before. This is not Superman. Grant doesn't understand who the Man of Steel IS. There has not been a decent Superman story since Reign of the Supermen. I read all of issue six. I came to the conclusion that these are more alternate reality stories and are not part of the mainstream DCU. 1/5

JSA VOLs. 1&2
Written by James Robinson and David S. Goyer; Art by Scott Benefiel, Stephen Sadowski, Derec Aucoin and others

These trade paperbacks chronicle the rebirth of the Justice Society of America, one of the first super hero teams of all times. Investigating the death of Dr. Fate, one of the JSA's founding members, the current Starman, Hourman, Star-Spangled Kid, Hawkgirl and Black Canary join forces with two former members of the legendary team, Atom Smasher and Sand. And after learning how the fallen hero's death has led to the birth of a new Dr. Fate and surviving an encounter with an ancient evil, the heroes decide to band together to form a modern JSA. Reprints Secret Files issue 1 main story, issues 1-15.

These issues are the best of the series and have the best work to show these golden age legends at their best. The entire package is a must for anyone who wants quality in their collection. These trades are the best way to enjoy these masters. 5/5

Written by Paul Levitz; Art by Rags Morales, George Pérez, Jerry Ordway and others; Cover by Pérez

A new volume collecting the story arc written by Paul Levitz (LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES), presented in JSA #82-87! The JSA has been targeted by the Gentleman Ghost and his undead army. How will they end a supernatural slaughter when the only being who can stop it is the ghost of Batman?

This is one that shows several of the things that I like about comics. The first is George Perez. One of the best artists (in my list). This trade also gives the current origin of the Gentleman Ghost, a character I first seen on Super-Friends. Overall this is one of the top tpbs around . 5/5

Mighty Avengers VOL. 2

Monsters, monarchs and madmen! The CIVIL WAR may be over, but the SECRET INVASION has just begun! Iron Man’s new government-backed, handpicked Avengers roster — Ms. Marvel, Wasp, Black Widow, Wonder Man, Sentry and Ares — is a success. But when their outlaw ex-teammate Spider-Woman shows up with evidence that shape-shifting Skrulls have infiltrated Earth, Iron Man faces a harrowing dilemma: Who can he trust when any one of his allies might be an undetectable alien invader? There’s no time to figure it out, though, when a bio-weapon transforms New York’s populace into Venom-like monsters. Plus: the New Avengers, a time-travel quest and an earth-shaking confrontation with Doctor Doom! Collecting MIGHTY AVENGERS #7-11.

I could not have been any more disappointed in this tpb. I was expecting a really cool alien symbiote take over of NYC and what do we get? A dumb idea from Doctor Doom. How the heck would Doom even be able to handle the symbiote. Doctor Doom is better as a dictator then a science villain. I quit reading after the second part. 1/5


It's brother versus brother and the outcome could decide the fate of billions. UNCANNY X-MEN: RISE AND FALL OF THE SHI'AR EMPIRE continues here! Vulcan is the Shi'Ar Emperor and Havok is leading the rebellious Starjammers. But who is really right and who is really wrong? Collecting X-MEN: EMPEROR VULCAN #1-5.

X-men has a massive history and ground that is covered. I have to say that I'm not too fond of their space adventures, but this one is pretty good. It ends in a little cliffhanger that is continued in the next release X-MEN: KINGBREAKER. Story and art are good and solid. 4/5