

Bart is one of my best friends. Adam introduced us. I thought he was a moron. I was wrong. He's just antisocial. We're both antisocial. He was home schooled. His mom got my dad to teach us both. We're pretty close.


Adam is crazy. He once tried to stab Bart. Bart didn't want to play a video game with him. He also nearly lit himself on fire. That's my fault. I taught him how to make a maltov cocktail.


Cameron is a scary badass. That's simple enough. He was my first martial arts instructor. He's also an author. He writes comic books. Check out Something Wicked.


I met Levi in my psych class. He's a hippie. He thinks he's a martial artist. I don't know if I believe it. I accidentally pistol whipped him in the face once. He whined. I laughed. Good times.


Joline is cool as hell. She's a good friend. Example. I got sick at her place once. She let me sleep on her bed. She stole some vitamin c, zinc, & generic thermaflu. She's a kleptomaniac. She gave me the good stuff and I felt better. Good friend.


Monique has been my friend for forever. Our mothers were friends. We were raised together. We went to catholic school together. Neither of us are catholic. I remember once she got me a Super Soaker robot doll for my birthday. I think I was eight. We didn't talk from 1993 - 2000. We then tried going out. Then she broke up with me. Then we started going out again. We even got engaged. Then she broke up with me. Yah, that fell through like mecury to hell. Now we're just really good friends. The best of friends. The best of best friends.


I met Melissa on SubKultures. I was bored. I thought I'd try talking to her. Anyway, we've become pretty close. She's go to school at Drexel in Philly. I'm actually pretty proud to call her my friend. Yah, she's the shiznitileblitzbang (no, it's not a typo).


Justin, Dave, Devon, Efrem, Eli, Jared, etc.


If you want to be on the "SHOUTOUTS" list, just contact me. To make it clear, I did not forget anyone on my friends list. If you think I did, maybe we aren't as close as you thought. Only friends get on the friends list. Not acquaintances, buddies, or people I hang with from time to time. Don't be mad. That's just the way it is.