Joe Howard
Leading Researcher
Real Name: Joe Howard
Alias/Code Name: Eye of Truth
First Appearance:
Alignment: Scrupulous
Hit Points: 71, S.D.C. 33
Weight: 190 lb., Height: 5'10", Age: 63, Sex: Male
Attributes: I.Q. 24, M.E. 14, M.A. 10, P.S. 7, P.P. 8, P.E. 22, P.B. 21, Spd. 26
Experience Level: 15
Combat Skills:Hand to Hand Basic
Attacks Per Melee: 7
Bonuses: +3 to dodge, and parry, +2 to strike, and +4 to roll.
Other Bonuses: +10% IQ Bonus, +14% vs. coma/death, +4 vs. poison & magic, 55% charm/impress, and PER: 80%.
Super Power Category: Scientist
Educational Level: Doctorate or Ph.D.
Scholastic Bonus: 35%
Skills of Note: Cryptography 98%, Laser 98%, Optic Systems 98%, Radio: Basic 98%, Radio: Satellite 98%, Radio: Scrambler 98%, Surveillance Systems 98%, T.V./Video 98%, Computer Operation 98%, Electrical Engineer 98%, Robot Electronics 98%, Computer Repair 98%, Locksmith 98%, Mechanical Engineer 98%, Robot Mechanics 98%, Astrophysics 98%, Chemistry 98%, Chemistry: Analytical 98%, Math: Advanced 98%, and Math: Basic 98%.
Secondary Skills: Computer Programming 98%, Cook 98%, Fishing 98%, Sewing 70%, First Aid 98%, Running, Swimming 98%, Automobile 98%, Boats: Sail 98%, Navigation: L.A.W. 98%, Read Sensory Equipment 98%, Writing 98%, W.P. Revolver + 7 / 5, and Languages: Japanese, German, French, and Latin; 98%.
Appearance: (See Image)
Occupation: Leading Scientis at S.N.A.I.L.
Weapons: None. But keeps an old WWII revolver.
Vehicle: Old '74 Super Beatle.
Body Armor: Light Flex Steal armor. He has a specail lab coat built that is really a lighter version of the duster.
Money: Advanced S.N.A.I.L. pay; $75,000 a year.