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My Surroundings

The area around my place resembles an industrial area. (The satellite photo above is quite old. A few years old i think). Just replace the industrail lots with shops and restaurants. There are no houses around my place. Being in Silicon Valley, I dunno where the houses are. Just that my immediate area consists of shops, restaurants, cafes, hotels and lots of carpark. The scenery is fantastic while the plants around is incredible.

The weather here is fine, usually sunny. Temperature ranges from 7 to 15 Celcius. Sunrise should be around 6 while sunset is around 5pm.


The In-N-Out Burger stall. Picture taken on the first morning. U can see the nice background. Some hills, dunno what (must find out later:P). All the shops around here are small and cozy.

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Bank of America. Just beside my hotel. Very convinient since if I ever needed to, I can withdraw money from the ATM. (Hurrah for Maybank Kawanku ATM card).

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Applebee's Grill. Never been inside or at the windows. The food should be quite pricey (for my standards) but otherwise normal for US standards. Food cost around US7-15 around here for food comparable to Swensens or Coffee Bean standard.

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McDonalds! Cheap, fast and no need tips! Good place to eat. Lots of choices compared to Malaysian's food. Got PORK! Yum yum hamburgers.

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Taco Bell at the intersectoin. I cannot remember what is located behind it. But its either makan place or more shops. Intersections in Milpitas are roughtly the same.(with hanging lights)

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Banana Leaf's menu. As u can see from the price. Its roughly US7 and above. The food are Malaysian cuisine. Never been inside. To pricey for me. Not forgetting the tips needed. Maybe I try them one day.

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More of the menu. I usually Take Away my food since the servings here can be huge, and then i can eat them at leisure. Always remember to give tips if the place accepts them. People stare at you if you don't.

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The Toyota Camry that I drive around. Left hand drive with aircond/heater, auto, cruise control, ABS, airbags and others which i dunno yet:).

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Pic of the car from the back. Too big for my liking but quite powerful. Still getting use to driving from the right side of the road. And also using lefthand drive cars.

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