Visual Humanity Cost
Artificial Eyes 0.2 $10,000
Optic Readout* 0.1 $2,000
Shades* 0.1 $1,000
Light Amplifier* 0.2 $3,000
Thermal Vision* 0.2 $5,000
Micro Vision* 0.2 $5,000
Mag Vision* 0.2 $5,000
Video Reception 0.2 $3,000
Video Trans. 0.3 $3,000
Video Recorder 0.2 $3,000

* Requires artificial eyes.

Auditory Humanity Cost
Artificial Ear 0.2 $3,000
Auditory Listener* 0.1 $1,000
Sound Amplifier* 1 0.2 $500
  2 0.3 $1,000
  3 0.3 $2,000
  4 0.4 $5,000
  5 0.4 $15,000
Dampers* 0.1 $1,000
Radio Reception 0.2 $2,000
Radio Trans. 0.3 $2,000
Audio Recorder 0.2 $2,000

* Requires artificial ears.

Interface Humanity Cost
Input Slot 0.2 $500
MiniDisk Slot 0.3 $1,500
Chip Slot 0.3 $1,000
DNI Smart Pad 0.2 $5,000
Neurological Humanity Cost
DNI 0.2 $5,000
Vehicle Interface 1 0.4 $750
  2 0.6 $1,500
  3 0.7 $4,000
  4 0.8 $15,000
  5 0.9 $50,000
Implanted Computer 0.5 $2,000
SenseData Reception 0.2 $7,500
SenseData Trans. 0.3 $7,500
SenseData Recorder 0.2 $7,500
NeuroLink Web 1 $5,000
Reflex Booster 1 1 $2,000
  2 1.4 $5,000
  3 1.7 $15,000
  4 1.9 $50,000
  5 2 $200,000
Pain Blocker 0.5 $5,000
Body Systems Humanity Cost
Muscle Replacement 1 1 $2,500
  2 1.4 $5,000
  3 1.7 $15,000
  4 1.9 $50,000
  5 2 $150,000
Structural Strength 1 1.5 $5,000
  2 1.8 $10,000
  3 2.1 $25,000
  4 2.3 $75,000
  5 2.5 $250,000
Elastomer Plating 1 $5,000
Steel Plating 2 $10,000
Chemical Filter 1 0.5 $750
  2 0.6 $1,500
  3 0.6 $4,000
  4 0.7 $10,000
  5 0.7 $25,000
Air Filter 1 0.3 $500
  2 0.3 $1,000
  3 0.4 $2,500
  4 0.4 $7,500
  5 0.4 $20,000
Blood Loss Healer 1 $10,000
Artificial Internal Organ 0.3 ~$2,500
Hidden Compartment 0.1 $1,500
Limbs Systems Humanity Cost
Artificial Hand* 1 0.5 $1,000
  2 0.5 $2,000
  3 0.6 $5,000
  4 0.6 $15,000
  5 0.7 $50,000
Artificial Arm* 1 1 $2,000
  2 1.1 $4,000
  3 1.2 $10,000
  4 1.3 $25,000
  5 1.4 $75,000
Artificial Leg* 1 1 $2,000
  2 1.1 $5,000
  3 1.2 $15,000
  4 1.3 $50,000
  5 1.4 $200,000
Retractable Razornails 0.2 $5,000

* Each level above level 5 costs the same as level 5 (e.g. an artificial hand level 7 costs $50,000 + 2x$50,000 = $150,000). Also, if level is greater than 5, Structural Strengthening is required. The maximum effective level possible for the artificial limb equals to 5+level of the Structural Strengthening





Artificial Eyes – A replacement of the organic eye. It allows regular vision. This cyberware is needed for any further cybernetics enhancement of the eye. There is no limit on the number of enhancements that can be loaded on the eyes. The cost is for replacement of both eyes (in order for cybernetics to function they must be installed on both eyes).

Optic Readout – Artificial eyes enhancement. This allows display of any visual data into the visual field. The input can come from an implanted computer, or any of the interface devices. Note that a DNI can display directly to the visual nerves, so if one has a DNI related device (like a smart weapon), he doesn’t need this cyberware.

Shades - Artificial eyes enhancement. This device kicks into action whenever there is a bright light - it compensates the light in a way as to allow the user normal vision. It comes in handy in combat situations where a light can be so bright as to blind.

Light Amplification – Artificial eyes enhancement. Light amplification enhances lighting in situations where the normal lighting conditions are not enough to allow normal sight. It is very handy for night actions. Note that minimal lighting must be present for the light amplification to function. In situations of total darkness it is useless.

Thermal Vision - Artificial eyes enhancement. This enables the user to see in the thermal spectrum. The vision can discern different grades of heat, therefore constructing a limited vision of the surrounding area. It is very useful for combat situation where there is no lighting at all.

Micro Vision – Artificial eyes enhancement. This enhances vision to a level of a small microscope. It is very useful for researchers.

Mag Vision – Artificial eyes enhancement. This is the reverse of the micro vision. It enhances long distance vision and serves as a scope. in combination with a DNI and a smart pad it serves as a scope on the smart weapon (allowing both smart bonus and scope bonus for aimed shots).

Video Reception – This is a device that receives video transmission. The visual data can be stored (if the user has any storage capability) or just viewed on the spot (with the usage of an optic readout).

Video Transmission – This device transmits any visual data. The data can come from an artificial eye or from any storage device (implanted computer, minidisk, etc.). The transmission range in up to 5km.

Video Recorder – This device records visual data. It needs a storage device – a minidisk, a datachip, the internal memory of an implanted computer, or anything outside the brain connected with an input slot.



Artificial Ear - A replacement of the organic ear. It allows regular hearing. This cyberware is needed for any further cybernetics enhancement of the ear. There is no limit on the number of enhancements that can be loaded on the ears. The cost is for replacement of one ear (only one ear is sufficient to install other cybernetics).

Auditory Listener – Artificial ear enhancement. This allows listening of any auditory data. The input can come from any of the interface devices (minidisk, datachip or input slot).

Sound Amplifier – Artificial ear enhancement. This amplifies surrounding sounds and increases any sound based perception by its level.

Dampers – Artificial ear enhancement. This device kicks into action whenever there is a sound that is too high - it compensates for the high volume sound in a way as to allow the user normal hearing. The device is able to discern different frequencies and only dampen the high volume sounds (allowing, for example, to hear a whisper in the middle of combat).

Radio Reception – This is a device that receives audio transmission. The auditory data can be stored (if the user has any storage capability) or just heard on the spot (with the usage of an auditory listener). This, in combination with an auditory listener and a radio transmission can function for team communication.

Radio Transmission – This device transmits any auditory data. The data can come from an artificial ear, from voiceless talking or from any storage device (implanted computer, minidisk, etc.). The transmission range in up to 5km. This, in combination with a radio transmission and an auditory listener can function for team communication.

Audio Recorder – This device records auditory data. It needs a storage device – a minidisk, a datachip, the internal memory of an implanted computer, or anything outside the brain connected with an input slot.



Input Slot – This is a universal plug that serves as an input jack into any inner cybernetic devices, or as an output jack from any inner system to the outside of the body. Several cyberware can connect to the same input slot. The location of the slot can be in plain sight (like the forehead or the backhand) or can be hidden (in back of the head under the hair).

Minidisk Slot – This is an implanted minidisk driver. Anything internal can use the driver – either for playing minidisks or for recording data into it. This is usually placed in back of the head under the hair, but can be placed anywhere.

Chip Slot – This is a socket for a datachip. As many as 10 can be placed together (each one bought separately) for enhancement of data storage capacity. Anything internal can connect to the slots and use them for reading or writing data. It is usually placed in back of the head under the hair, but can be placed anywhere the user wants.

DNI Smart Pad – This is the interface for a smart weapon. It is located in the palm of the hand and communicates with the smart module of the weapon (located in the handle) via electromagnetic transmission. It has to connect to a DNI in order to complete the link to the brain and to take advantage of the smart weapon bonus.



DNI – an acronym for Direct Neural Interface. This is the most advanced interface method at this time. Placed on the brain, it connects any electrical device directly to the relevant nerves. It serves as an input and output device for any data format – visual, auditory, SenseData, commands to an implanted computer, etc. If coupled with a DNI smart pad, the user can give commands to a weapon with a smart module (eject clip, switch to automatic fire mode, etc.) and receive visual data on the expected hit location (which is then displayed into the user visual field). Another very common combination is a DNI with an input slot, which is used to experience SenseData. This is also the combination needed for netrunning (simulating the net for the runner is done through means of SenseData).

Vehicle Interface – This is a modified version of the DNI, which is specifically designed for vehicle control. It has to connect to a vehicle through an input slot in order to function. Once functional, it merges the user with the vehicle and results in very good vehicle control and fast reaction time. The level of the vehicle interface is added to the skill level of the driver for any vehicle-related tasks (like control rolls).

Implanted Computer – Implanting a computer is usually done for running skillsoft. These are computer software that enhance the user’s function in the specific skill they are created for. For example, a Firearms skillsoft at the level of 5 will increase the user’s Firearms skill to level 5. The computer must be bought separately and must be a neurological computer. The level of the computer is the maximum level of skillsoft that can be run. In order to run skillsoft of physical skills, a NeuroLink web must be implanted. The computer can also be used to read and store data to any of the interface devices (or to it’s internal memory). A DNI must be implanted in order to interface with the computer.

SenseData Reception – This is a device that receives SenseData transmission. The data can be stored (if the user has any storage capability) or just sensed on the spot (with the usage of DNI).

SenseData Transmission – This device transmits any SenseData. The data can come from a DNI (that records what the user is sensing at the moment) or from any storage device (implanted computer, minidisk, etc.). The transmission range in up to 5km.

SenseData Recorder – This device records SenseData. It needs a storage device – a minidisk, a datachip, the internal memory of an implanted computer, or anything outside the brain connected with an input slot.

NeuroLink Web – This is a web of wires that runs through the body and connects to key points in the muscles. It is used for activating any physical skillsoft – it transmits commands from the computer to the muscles directly (not going through the DNI and brain) which is faster and doesn’t risk rejection by any defense mechanisms the brain might activate.

Reflex Booster – This cyberware enhances the reflexes of the user. Basically what it does is increase the reaction and movement speed of muscles through direct connection (very much like the NeuroLink Web). In game terms, it increases Dexterity for any action that requires reflexes (initiative, fast draw, etc.).

Pain Blocker – These are special controllers which are placed in specific points on the nervous system. What they do is block any feeling of pain before it gets to the brain. In game terms, it negates any penalties resulting from pain (e.g. the –1 penalty when wounded).



Muscle Replacement – By replacing part of the muscles into synthetic replacement, this enables greater strength. It increases the Strength level by the cybernetics level for any task that is related to muscles (melee damage, lifting, etc.). The muscles size is increased by the implants, but not to a level that it looks unnatural.

Structural Strength – The general concept is replacement of the body infrastructure with strengthened materials (either strong plastics of steel). The replacement includes not just the bones and joints, but also covering of sensitive organs with a protective shell. The result is increasing the Body Resistance level by the level of the cyberware. This cyberware in needed when having artificial limbs of level greater than 5 because the stress of the power of the limb can’t be tolerated by the regular body strength. The minimum level of structural strength needed equals to the amount by which the limb level is over 5. For example, in order to have an artificial leg of level 7, at least a level 2 structural strength is needed.

Elastomer Plating – Implanting an elastomer beneath the skin, resulting in a ‘natural’ armor of level 10. Only very close observation will reveal the implants – to the casual observer the body looks natural.

Steel Plating – The same idea as with the elastomer plating, but very thin steel plates are implanted. This results in an armor level of 20 instead of 10. Not like the elastomer plating, the plates can be seen and the body looks ‘reinforced’.

Chemical Filter – Installing special filters in the digestion system, this cyberware helps resist harmful chemicals. It adds its level to the Strength when resisting digested poisons or other chemicals. The downside of this is that it also resists medical drugs - it reduces the filter level from the drug’s level.

Air Filter – Working on the same principle of the chemical filter, this filter is implanted in the respiratory system to resist any inhaled harmful chemicals. It adds its level to the Strength when resisting inhaled poisons or other chemicals. The downside of this is that it also resists medical drugs - it reduces the filter level from the drug’s level.

Blood Loss Healer – Replacing the blood with a special chemical that congeals when it reaches an open wound. This stops blood loss when reaching 0 hits.

Artificial Internal Organ – Any internal organ that is damaged beyond repair can be replaced by an artificial one. This gives no special bonuses in terms game play, but enables normal functionality of the body.

Hidden Compartment – Making a small pocket below the skin and making it almost not noticeable even to close examination (a difficult (-2) Perception roll is needed to find the pocket). The pocket is big enough to hold something in the size of a cigarette package and can be located almost anywhere.



Artificial Hand – Replacing the hand with an artificial mechanism. The level of the hand serves as Strength and Dexterity to any tasks, which are done with the hand. Note that if the level is above 5, a structural strength cyberware is needed (see above).

Artificial Arm – This is a replacement of the entire arm (it includes the hand). Like with the artificial hand, the level of the arm serves as Strength and Dexterity to any tasks, which are performed with the arm (includes melee damage). Like above, for a level greater than 5 a structural strength cyberware is needed (see above).

Artificial Leg – Replacement of the leg with an artificial mechanism. Again, the level of the leg serves as Strength and dexterity to any task which is performed with the leg (includes melee damage done by kicking). If both legs are replaced, movement speed in multiplied by the amount by which the level is greater than 5, so a level 7 legs will multiply the speed by 2. If the legs are not of the same level, the lower one limits the speed. Again, for a level greater than 5 a structural strength cyberware is needed (see above).

Retractable Razornails – Small 3cm blades are implanted below the nails. They can be extracted and retracted mentally. When retracted they are undetectable. If used as a melee weapon, then cause a damage level of Str+2.