mini abstract logo ajmas's web site : ion driven saucer
I have long been fascinated with the concept of 'flying-saucers'. The curosity is not that of 'little green men' ,rather the possibility of what the technology could offer if it was developed. Since saucers have no concept of a front and back they are very manouverable.

After learning of the ion engine, I wondered whether this technology could be mixed with the 'flying-saucer' concept to make a highly manouverable space vehicle. In order to control the ion direction a magnetic field would be applied.

Since I don't know anyone who could help me prove whether the concept is really possible and help me where my knowledge is lacking, I share the idea with anyone who has the ability to test and evolve the idea. Below is an initial diagram of the idea - it is a quick jot of the concept, rather than a highly researched design ( with a bit more time and research I could probably come up with a better diagram ):

ion drive saucer

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