
(issue 0 is an insert in X-O Manowar 25)

Character Info:
The Armorines
original Armorine 01 (Anchor Man): Gunnery Sergeant Harold Lewis
replacement Armorine 01 (Anchor Man): Sergeant William Sturgess
01 Co-Pilot: Major Myra Lane

Armorine 02 (Point Man): Staff Sergeant Michael Sirot
02 Co-Pilot: Second Lieutenant Clark Hossen

Armorine 03 (Wing Man A): Lance Corporal James Earl Williams
03 Co-Pilot: Lieutenant Pierce

Armorine 04 (Wing Man B): Lance Corporal Antonio Cordova
04 Co-Pilot: Lieutenant Manuel Dominguez

Other Characters
Colonel Gardner- in charge of Armorines in issue 0
General Kendall- in charge of Armorines after issue 0
Dr. Phillip Zahn- creator of Amorine suits and weapons
Senator Ackerman- head of Armorine program until issue 9

The Story:
The U.S. Government took X-O Manowar as a threat. The Armorines were created by Dr. Phillip Zahn to deal with this threat. After they got the go ahead on the project from Senator Ackerman, Colonel Gardner recruited eight soldiers to function as the Armorines. Four would be trained as the field agents with the other four acting as their co-pilots from the base. Gunny Lewis, an aging war veteran, was chosen to be their field leader. Ackerman, however, made it perfectly clear to Gardner that he wanted Lewis out of the program as soon as the others were properly trained to function without him.

Initially a truce between X-O and the Government was formed, but this irritated CIA agent Peter Garrett and his associate, Ms. Mandrake of the IRS. The two forged orders from the Government which ordered the Armorines to take out X-O and sent them to Gardner. The Armorines attacked X-O and may have even defeated him, but their attack was called off by orders from General Kendall. Colonel Gardner was arrested for ordering the attack (the poor guy had no idea that the orders were fake), and Kendall took his place as head of the Armorines. Meanwhile, the Armorine Sirot, who is also an agent of the National Security Agency, met with Garrett and forged a truce of sorts.

The Armorines went on to face other threats, but their biggest adversaries were the Spider Aliens. They first faced them in an under water adventure, and then in a huge battle in space itself. They were teamed with X-O Manowar and the HARDCorps in the space battle. While they were in space fighting the aliens, the Chaos Effect broke out on Earth cutting off all communication with the military. Eventually the Chaos ended and the Spider Aliens were defeated, and the Armorines returned home.

The Armorines recieved medals of honor from the President himself upon their return. At the same time, however, Senator Ackerman ordered Gunny out of the Armorines program. When the President found out about this, he wrote a presidential order that took away Ackerman's control over the program and ensured that Gunny would remain in the Armorines. This didn't sit to well with Ackerman, so with Peter Garrett's help, he devised a plan to get Gunny out of the program anyways. The two rigged a hidden camera on Sirot's armor and shot footage of the destruction of a building on one of the Armorine's missions. Ackerman used this footage as a way to frame Gunny. If Gunny didn't leave the program, the footage would be used to ruin his career. He chose to leave. Sergeant William Sturgess was sent as his replacement.

When Sirot caught on that Garrett and Ackerman were involved, he decided to send the Senator a message. And so Ms. Mandrake came home to find Peter Garrett's dead body hanging from the balcony. Message sent.

After the series:
Not much of a life-after-death-of-series was in store for the Armorines. They made one single appearance in the pages of Solar 57. They tried to fight Solar. Nobody can beat Solar.

The Same As It Never Was:
The Armorines went on to make several appearances in the new Acclaim VH-2 Universe as guest stars in X-O Manowar vol. 2. They barely resembled the Armorines of old. Their armor was a completely different design. This remained true when Acclaim went on hiatus, cancelling all their titles. Recently, a new Armorines have appeared in a mini-series that was released when Accliam returned to publishing. The old VH-2 team was killed in action with only one surviving member, who joined the new replacement team. They now more closely resemble the original VH-1 Armorines. Their members include Gunny Lewis, Myra Lane, Michelle Sirot, and James "Tork" Torkelson. Gunny is basically the same guy he was in VH-1. Same with Myra Lane, though she's actually one of the armor-wearers this time. Michelle is the counterpart of Michael Sirot, but I have no idea why they made him a female this time. As for Tork, I assume he's the VH-2 counterpart of Harbinger John Torkelson, aka Torque. Consider him as good as dead in the coming issues.

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