Rework's Transformer Scans

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Boxart scans from Japanese Transformers

Victory Battle Scene
The Victory battle scene from the back of the Japanese Landcross gift set.

Return of Convoy Battle Scene
A Return of Convoy battle scene from the back of the Star Convoy box.

Return of Convoy Battle Scene 2
A Return of Convoy battle scene from the back of the Six-Train box.

Godbomber Box Photo
Godbomber Box: Scan from the side of the box showing some nice views of the toy.

God Ginrai photo from the Godbomber box
Godbomber Box: Scan from the other side showing how Godbomber combines with Ginrai (PM Prime) to form God Ginrai.

Doubleclouder Box: Yes it's just a repaint of Doubledealer, but it is a darn nice one and one of my favorites. The box has a flip up front piece and it makes a real nice presentation. Here is the front of it.

Doubleclouder 2
Doubleclouder Box: And here is the inside of the flip up front.

Japanese Tech Specs

Tech Specs are a great feature, but to be honest, most of the Japanese ones are not that interesting. The later ones don't even have a picture of the robot. I will post a few of the more interesting ones.

Overlord TS
TS for Japanese Overlord. Different (and better) specs than the Euro version. And note that there are seperate specs for the tank and the jet, as well as the robot.

Godbomber TS
TS for Japanese piece Godbomber.

Browning TS
TS for Japanese piece Browning.

Doubleclouder TS
TS for Japanese piece Doubleclouder.

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