First, there's Cartman (his whole name is Eric Cartman). He's a fat kid, with an attitude, but his mom alwas tells him that he's "big boned".He loves to eat, but his favorite snack is Cheesy Poofs.
Then there's Kyle. He's a Jewish kid, and his mom's a b#%ch. He sees talking Christmas poo that brings gifts to everyone with high fiber in their diet. The poo's name is Mr. Hankey!
Then there's Stan. He always throws up when this girl named Wendy talks to him... and his dog is gay! His Sister beats the crap out of him!
Then last but not least, there's Kenny. He always dies in every episode, except for the x-mas special... and I don't think most people liked that. He also wears a big hood, that covers his mouth and we can't hear what he says.
here is one of the best South Park sound archives on the web.(I'm still adding sounds, and i'll keep adding new sounds, so check out the sounds I have now, and come back for more!)
(Click on the play button before going the sound page!)
Cartman's Image page.
South Park animated gifs!
Links are finally here! So check um' out!
"About other charecters" and "Video clips". So check back soon!
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